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P~S. 65-19 ~ ~0I~TIO! 65-19. ACCEPTING Dmz6 FOR <br /> <br /> C~$~DERATIOH ([wik-Check Healty Co.~ <br />I~c. a~ Golden West Y~A~trl&l Parks) was ~l~pte~ on motion of C~uncil~aa <br />Grimet, aecondeA By Co. soil--am Hex'Fin. <br /> <br />Herrin, Brooks, Carlac~, Griset, Markel, Thur~an, McM. ichael <br />No~e <br />N~ne <br /> <br /> 65-20 ~ RF~0LUTION 65-20 ACCEPTING D=.:~5 FOR <br />rm~m~ WlTa CAS~ waits T~E CIT~ IS PA~I~ A CASH C~SI~ESATION <br /> (~oaenbaua, Cozad, Long) was a~lopteA ca <br />motion of Councilman Brooks, secc~ed by Councilman Herrin. <br /> <br />AYES: <br />NOES: <br />ABSENT: <br /> <br />Herrin~ Brooks, Carla,, Griset, Thur~an~ ~e~tichael <br />Markel <br />N~ae <br /> <br />RES. 65-21.- A~EXATI~ ~ ~$OLIP~ON 65-2~ DECLARING T~ ANNEXATION <br /> 0P '£~IT~ DESIGNATED #FAXRNAV~ AVE~E <br /> AI~: GLASS~.T. AV~E ~ORT~EST A~X" TO <br />T~E C1T~ OF ~A~TA ARA was adol~ed on motion of CcrAucil~an Gr~set~ seconded by <br />Couneil~n Markel. <br /> <br />AYES: Herrin, <br />NOES: Bone <br />AESE~T: Hone <br /> <br />Brooks, Carlac~ Griset, Markel, Th~rman, McW~ichael <br /> <br />TELET~P~RITER S~VYCE Ck2~ Execution of revisien to agreement with <br /> Ceunty of Or. ge re~r~ing~ teletype~iter <br /> service for the Police Department was <br />authorize~ on ~c~cicn of Councilman Herri~, seco~ed by Councilman ~arlaon <br />an~ carried. <br /> <br />SXGNAL CORSe'RUCTION ~%' A~ree~ent with Division of Highways <br /> for shart~ cost for signal installation <br /> at Gra~ an~ Washington Place was approved <br />a~ execution authorize~ on metton of C~uncilman Griset, aeeo~e~ by CoUnmi~an <br />Eerrin awd carrie~. <br /> <br />C~Ff CEF~ER LEASE ~ The revision of the lease with Parent - <br /> Teacher Association for the rental of <br /> an~ ~l~itional room in the C~unity <br />Center was authorize~ on ~otio~ of Cou~cit~a~ Herrin, eece~de~ ~y Councilman <br />Brooks an~ carrie~. <br /> <br />I~BRA~DT PAYI~TXNG m~( A letter, frc~ the ~ecutive ~ of <br /> The ~ell Society ~p~ss~ appreciation <br /> for ~d request~g ~po~ity to vl~ <br />the ~br~t <br />by Co~ci~n Ne~ ~ easier. <br /> <br />CITY ¢(~CIL 379 <br /> <br /> <br />