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ZONING Q~ A staff report on retail sales'in <br /> indhstrial areas, requested by Councilman <br /> Markel on December Znd, was referred to <br />the Planning Commission for consideration of amendment to the Zoning <br />Ordinance, on motion of Councilman Carlson, seconded by Councilman <br />Herrin and carried. <br /> <br />PARCEL MAP 580 O~~ Parcel Map 580, filed by Dr. William <br /> O'Reilly, creating three parcels on the <br /> east side of Grand between First and <br />Walnut, was approved subject to conditions in Planning Director's report <br />dated December 5, 1968, and alley requirement was waived, on motion <br />of Councilman Griset, seconded by Councilman Carlson and carried. <br /> <br />PARCEL MAP 583 ~/ Parcel Map 583, filed by Kenton Leeg, <br /> creating two parcels on the south side <br /> of Edinger, east of Grand, was approved <br />subject to conditions in Planning Director's report dated December 3, 1968, <br />on motion of Councilman Griset, seconded by Councilman Carlson and carried. <br /> <br />TENTATIVE TRACT 6630 c~>{ Tentative Tract Map 6630, filed by Elmer <br /> Fowler, creating 20 lots on west side of <br /> Grand, north of Edinger, was approved <br />subject to conditions in Planning Director's report dated November 5, 1968, <br />and alley requirement was-.w~i~zed on Lots 1 and 20, on motion of Councilman <br />Griset, seconded by Councilman Carlson and carried. <br /> <br />LOADING ZONE REQUESTc~? Paul Sims, who has just opened a furniture <br /> business at 208 North Main Street, <br /> requested a special permit or loading <br />zone in front of his business for trucks to unload. The matter was referred <br />to staff for study and immediate action, on motion of :Councilman Brooks, <br />seconded by Councilman Herrin and carried. <br /> <br />CONGRESS OF CITIES Councilman Markel reported on his <br /> trip to the National League of Cities <br /> Annual Congress of Cities, held in <br />New Orleans, Louisiana, December 7- 11. <br /> <br />RECESS At 5:00 P.M., the meeting was recessed <br /> to 7:30 P.M,, at which time it was <br /> convened with all Council: members present. <br />Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, the Invocation was delivered by <br />Dr. Gerald Bash of the First Christian Church. <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL <br /> <br />85 <br /> <br />December 16, 1968 <br /> <br /> <br />