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RESOLUTION 69-131 <br />PROJECT 7007 - RECONSTRUC- <br />TION OF VALENCIA STREET <br />CROSSING AND PARKING AREA <br />AT SANTIAGO PARK <br /> <br />terson and unanimously carried. <br /> <br />RESOLUTION 69 -131 REJECTING ALL <br /> BIDS SUBMITTED ON PROJECT 7007 <br />AND DIREC~rlNG SAID WORK TO BE <br /> PERFORMED BY CITY PERSONNEL <br />was adopted on motion of Councilman <br />Brooks, seconded by Councilman Pat- <br /> <br />SPECIFICATION 251-104 <br />ANNUAL PERIODICAL RE- <br />QUIREMENT FOR LIBtLA. RY <br />- 1969 - 70 <br /> <br />City Manager reported that the time <br />for receiving bids had been extended <br />to August 26, 1969. On motion of <br />Councilman Herrin, seconded by <br />Councilman Patterson and unanimous- <br /> <br />ly carried, the item was deferred to the meeting of September'2, 1969. <br /> <br />PROJECT 6011 City Manager reported that no bids <br />RE-LETTER STADIUM had been received for Project 6011, <br />SEATS Re-Letter Stadium Seats. He requested <br /> and received authorization to negotiate <br />a contract on the open market with the proviso that the contract amount fall <br />within ten percent of the estimated cost, on motion of Councilman Patterson, <br />seconded by Councilman Brooks and carried. Councilman Markel voted <br />"No". <br /> <br />PROJECT 6010 <br />FURNISH AND DELIVER <br />PORTABLE COMFORT <br />STATION <br /> <br />Council accepted the bid and award <br />was made to Super Secure Showers, <br />Inc. · Burlingame· California, (the <br />sole bidder and within $100.00 of the <br />City estimate) for Project 6010, <br /> <br />Furnish and Deliver Portable Comfort Station, on motion of Councilman <br />Brooks, seconded by Councilman Herrin and unanimously carried. <br /> <br />SPECIFICATION 641160 Council accepted the bid and award <br />FURNISH AND DELIVER MOBILE was made to Wenger Corporation, <br />COVERED PERFORMING STAGE Owatonna· Minnesoto· (the sole bidder <br /> and under the City estimate) for Speci- <br />fication 641160, Furnish and Deliver Mobile Covered Performing Stage, <br />on motion of Councilman Herrin, seconded by Councilman Patterson and <br />unanimously carried. <br /> <br />BID CALLS On motion of Councilman Brooks, <br /> seconded by Councilman Herrin, and <br /> unanimously carried, plans and speci- <br />fications were approved and advertising for bids was authorized for the <br />following: <br /> <br />a. Spec. 641-164, Air Compressor; opening Septenber 100 1969. Re- <br /> placement of 1961 Air Compressor. <br /> <br />b. Spec. 641-163, Ten (10) Portable Equipment Shelters with Ten (10) <br /> Bulletin Boards; opening September 9, 1969. <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL <br /> <br />-297 - <br /> <br />August 18, 1969 <br /> <br /> <br />