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~EDD Contract No. M35'1701 <br /> EDD Project Code: 476 <br /> Exhibit B <br /> Page 2 of 2 <br /> <br />Project objectives: During the contract term, the KEYS program will serve 35 eligible Santa <br />Ana at-risk youth meeting WIA performance standards. <br /> <br /> Youth Service Provider Network Outcomes (Performance Accountability) <br /> <br /> Younger Youth Ages 14-18 <br />Appropriate Goal WIA Outcome Goal Documentation Required <br />Examples <br />Improving Reading & Math Test to show improvement <br />levels <br /> Skill Attainment 77% <br />Learning an occupation Occupational Training Cert. <br />C~raduatlng High School High school diploma <br />or Receiving a GED Diploma / Equivalent 45% Or GED Certificate <br />{Jraduating to the next grade <br />Or continuing post Retention Rate 46% Attendance Records <br />secondary education <br /> <br /> Older Youth Ages 19-21 <br />Appropriate Goal WIA Outcome Goal Documentation Required <br />Examples <br />Place into unsubsidized Entered Employment Rate <br />employment, includes 65% Wage Records (pay stubs) <br />Military service <br />Mmntaining employment lbr Retention Rate Wage Records (pay stubs) <br />a minimum of 6 months 84% <br />Wage ~ncrease over a 12 Earmngs (Jams Wage Records (pay stubs) <br />month period $2,580 <br />Learn an occupation, Credential Attainment Rate Cert~ticate fi'om industry <br />advanced training, qualified 45% and/or recognized provider <br />apprenticeships <br /> <br /> <br />