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All <br />W LexisNexis• I Coplogic'"Solutions <br />Exhibit 2: DORS Setup and Access <br />2-A. DORS SETUP <br />Agency Responsibilities <br />a) Coordinate with Provider to establish dates for deployment within the DORS implementation schedule tab; <br />b) Provide images for (i) website header image (ii) temporary citizen report image and (Ili) final printed PDF report <br />image; <br />c) Load provided HTML pages onto Agency website which links to Provider's servers for the Services; <br />d) Provide Provider with the schema for the desired file format and/or database schema; <br />e) Enable Provider read /write access and test environment with current configuration <br />f) Enable Provider VPN access to the exporter, RMS application(s), and other information required for report bridge <br />installation; <br />g) Provide timely responses to Provider's questions, which may arise during the setup and configuration process. <br />Provider Responsibilities <br />a) Coordinate with Agency to establish schedule for deployment within the DORS implementation schedule tab. <br />b) Register Agency within Provider's network and load Agency provided images into Agency's implementation of <br />DORS. <br />c) Provide Agency with administrator password and credentials for the Services. <br />d) Provide Agency with sample operational directives, deployment strategies and sample press release. <br />e) Provide Agency with suggestions for the successful deployment of the Services. <br />f) Provide Agency with instructions on the easy setup of a kiosk for Agency's headquarters lobby, etc. <br />Completion Criteria. This task is considered complete after Provider has delivered listed materials. <br />2-B. CONFIGURATION. Agency responsibilities and provider responsibilities are shown below. <br />Agency Responsibilities. <br />a) Coordinate with Provider for web training session on administering the program, using the dynamic creation tools, <br />"Triple Lock" login features, user account including deploying the "Secure side filing feature". <br />b) Using the administrator account, login in and configure the code tables, crime types, user account, and dynamic <br />content for Agency. <br />c) Test the optional interface with the RMS application. <br />d) Review resulting files with Provider, document any problems, and collaborate with Provider on a plan for <br />corrective action(s). <br />e) Provide necessary files for RMS integration. <br />Provider Responsibilities <br />a) Coordinate with Agency for web training session on administering the program, using the dynamic creation tools, <br />"Triple Lock" login features, user account including deploying the "Secure side filing feature". <br />b) Configure export routine for the optional RMS Interface with information provided. <br />c) Review resulting files with Agency, document any problems, and collaborate with Agency on a plan for corrective <br />action(s). <br />Completion Criteria. This task is considered complete when the DORS is accessible on Provider's web server and <br />reports can be filed and interfaced into the RMS (optional). This completion is the point at which the Provider sends <br />a DORS link to the Agency for access. <br />confidential and Proprietary Information of LexisNexis <br />DORS Order Annual 01.24.v4 haw 12/18/24 Page 5 of 5 <br />