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<br />, . <br /> <br />EXHIBIT -An <br />CUMMINS CAt PACIFIC PlANNED MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT <br />TERMS. CONDmONS. LIMITED WARItANTY AND CREDIT POLICY <br /> <br />The Plo....d M_1WIa Acree-" ("A_")I<........d Info byOlmmlns Col Podftc,lø£. ("CCPI"I..d III' OIS,omer, _d In <br />the A_....nt', Schedule 01 Sorvl<a- 11.. ø- of"" Acree"'" IS to -- 0 pro-~ sdM:dulod. 1II0In,....""" JII1¥>III for the <br />,.Ulp...OII..ld; '0 achì<YI! p~r. ..Iiable equipme.. Oper¡olon, _me possibility of bœ- and avoid e.......,cr ..p,lIs. Upon <br />><Ctp"'oce of the A¡¡reo...n.. CCPI stull supply "" 111¡h"1 qu'.1)' pons ,00 ""..d,lI.. well .. provide Cenillfd T tchnlclo... to Ander .... <br />S""ic'['1Indl""." 00 die Pl,ooeol Moln...onœ Aøreemel1t Cbeck Un. This Sorvice[s1 ,',," be p<rformed duI1n¡¡..,.",.. businos& "'"'" of <br />8:00 AM '0 5:00 PM, Mondoy thmuKf¡ Friday. e",luding hoUd",. The frequency of Somc:e¡,) shaU be defined io the Schedule of S'M:"'. <br /> <br />I Tøms - CMIdId- <br /> <br />0- <br /> <br />The u:rm of the Ave<me.. III" be DR< ,"or and shaU ....""",.:olly for SUCCessM ..nns 01 one ,"or; uoollconeeled by <br />,ither p>ny upon IIIIrIy [30} d'ys wr!lIe" notíce. <br />Tho Agn:em,n. become' err.etive when CCPlroctMi WtI.... COO""",,;oo from die Ontomer 10 .... form of , stsned Sch,dule of <br />!iervkes or , 'ip>ed Purd.... Order 1110 Schedule of StIVf<e<. <br />If Is undomood "", dli Agrolme.. does no, obIig... CCP! ., provide any po.... labor, or "'1101 expo..., odler""n thooe requlrtd to <br />perform the <pe<ific Sttvire ['I ..d 111" tile f< UIpment lilted. ""'" - _d systtml, "IoU be in þ/'D Ier QØel>dng corullt/OQ o,the <br />.Im, of ServIce. <br />CCPI "'an 110( be "'PO- for - to - StMœ(s) due '0 """"' bo\'OAd I.. comrot. l"du4lnt itrlk.. and ¡¡hor d""_. <br />11\< AIJ..mellC I< not .......,bIe - .... <- of CCPI and ..... ..main In rom pnd conceltd by either patty rhrou8h _Ifn <br />noti<e to ÚII! _r. <br />Should either pony br",h oht "-",,,m and leul xolon be Insdlufed 10 ,nforte lI1e t18h1S or dudes herein ..t - ..~bIo <br />loomey's f.., nuy be .....-de<! 10 !he surc...1U1 part}'. <br />TIlt CUW>mer ,h,g only poy for oht ....1It performed ond portS plus lPØlkable so'" !Ø. <br /> <br />h. <br /> <br />c. <br /> <br />d. <br />e. <br /> <br />a. <br /> <br />.. ---...-.. <br /> <br />,. <br /> <br />AddlrJoft¡l pa"" aodI... ..paIrs - ....., be œquJred bur ... INK _In !he """"""" - be IHou¡ \t 10 .... <br />CU'!Ome~' ollendon. Such llem< wll be x"d "-' only ofitr die aammer"", proper -- II> CCPI. A- wort, <br />beyond Ibe scope or !he A_m, "IoU be pelfonned a, lobar ntes Indiated in lI1e _nl', SdIeduIe of SØvlw. <br />CCPI provides Emet'ftncy ser.lco _.four [24) holm a ..." """[7) """ _k. fmer8tncy - stuD be performed It labor <br />".., Indicoted in 1110 Agree""",,', S<hedule "f ~rvfc... <br /> <br />b. <br /> <br />III Uooohed Wo- <br /> <br />b. <br /> <br />CCP\'ssol.l¡¡bftI" and IIIe CUKomer" salt _lor 0 f>I(uft or-- - be"""""'!he ","",mom _d In !he <br />A",'menL <br />PON ..d lobar covered by IIIe A_....... .. well . oddldoNl ""'Ñk, øoru Ind ..".In. sIuII be """nfed for olofty 1901 "'" <br />from <om- or.... Setvic< aodIor ..".ir. <br />AJI cl¡jm¡ "'"" be brou¡ht to oht o¡œnolon ofcm_... (10) clays ofœrcllloco..ry or.... faIIu... <br />In no event Is CCPI DIble for "" deI¡ys ... -"'1... .-ti>l........,.. <br />ThIs """"" ¡hall !lOt 'lIP'" "" <br />I. FilUuleduetOnonNI......,-...-...................ofodllrdQIItY.forCOSor........ ..~tJI\IUdIcxbed <br />modioc.lion or impn1pe< -- <br />2. F>I1ure olp"" Clllitdbr' tIefI<1lnOftÞted.,.,.........tIIe_or........,...l IØIbdon- <br />J. Renal equipment wed while - ",,>Irs Oft be'" made. <br />4. 11\< added cost of .......... ¡¡hor. (OYtnJme ....... mtIIt be _d olld Ihe _IW e- <br />pro'approved by Ibe Cmtomer.) <br />k k ...ually u_oDd 1hat Ihe U'ntUd w- lOt -....... -.. die - of Ihe AlnttNnt. My - ...""my <br />provision or oor revidon elfocùntr Ihe -'"'" ... ftduaion of /iabi8tJ ..... be òIIIIIoooWd arwllor ..,....,...r, In wr1ØIf. by .n ome.. <br />of cm ¡nd !he Omomor. <br /> <br />c. <br />d. <br />e. <br /> <br />IV CnIIt PoIkr <br /> <br />o. OpeD ..nns, net 1hIrt, [301 d"', l'eQUIh credit _01. cm stuD p""""" a OIdh ADPlbIlDn for tbk _. Widlout prior <br />mdit oD\ll1MI. A....,.. Service!!) .>nd .ddlllcwf Io1tU and ~ Io11ß shIH Ix! pmvIdod on . c.O.D. bHIs. <br /> <br />R.vlled <br /> <br />12/2000 <br /> <br />EXf-/r:5Cr/l- <br /> <br />J~3 <br />