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<br />EXECUTIVE SUMMARY <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />GEORGE HOUSE <br />2028 North Victoria Drive <br />Santa Ana, CA 92706 <br /> <br />NAME George House I REF. NO. <br />ADDRESS 2028 North Victoria Drive <br />CITY Santa Ana ZIP 192706 I ORANGE COUNTY <br />YEAR BUILT t928 LOCAL REGISTER CATEGORY, Landmark <br />mSTORICDISTRICT IN/A NEIGHBORHOOD I Floral Park <br />NATIONAL REGISTER CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION I C NATIONAL REGISTER STATUS CODE 13S <br /> <br />.Location: <br /> <br />D Not for Publication <br /> <br />~ Unrestricted <br /> <br />D Prehistoric <br /> <br />~ Historic <br /> <br />D Both <br /> <br />ARCHITECTURAL STYLE: Italian Renaissance (Late Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Revivals) <br /> <br />The late nineteenth and twentieth century revival of the Italian Renaissance style, also known as the Italian Renaissance Revival, was <br />popular from the late nineteenth century until the 1930s. It was inspired by the designs of the palazzi of northern Italy and <br />popularized by American architects McKim, Mead, and White. Utilized on public blrildings and commercial buildings, the <br />vocabulary of the style also influenced the appearance of ornate homes. Characteristic features associated with the residential usage <br />'ofthe style generally include masonry or stucco exteriors; hipped tile roofs; pilasters, columns, quoins, and other classical details; and <br />a balanced, often symmetrical appearance. Lower stories are generally emphasized through their proportions and fenestration. <br />eches are incorPorated into the majority of the designs, often referring to Palladian precedents. <br /> <br />SUMMARY/CONCLUSION: <br /> <br />The George House appears eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places and the California Register of Historical <br />Resources. It also qualifies for listing in the Santa Ana Register of Historical Properties under Criterion I for its exemplification of <br />the Italian Renaissance Revival style. The house also contributes to the historic character of the Floral Park neighborhood through its <br />,age, style, scale, and historic association with a prominent member of the local business community. In addition, the George House <br />has been categorized as "Landmark" because the blrilding "appears to be eligible", to be placed on the National Register and the <br />California Register and "has a unique architectural significance" as an elegant and intact example of the Italian Renaissance Revival <br />style that contributes to the historic streetscape of North Victoria Drive (Municipal Code, Section 30-2.2). <br /> <br />,'. <br /> <br />EXPLANATION OI(CODES: - " "-,, <br />- . ,"'."'., .' <br />.:' , '. . '.. .'.'. <br />.. ". 'a.fot,Evalwilion: (From Appei1dix 7ófÍòStructions for ReCordirig-Hi~íòriCalReso!:n-ces;.Office of, <br /> <br />; .;~:ft!~~=~~~!~~:~" <br /> <br />Work of ~ ma~ier. or thai j;oss~s~:high artistic valu;.s:Qr'il¡at.~èjJtès~ÌlÌ"a significant itiIddistinguishable.entity <br />whose co/l1 XJnents maY.lackil¡C ividualdistinctiðn, , :;.:". ,.' ,,' <br /> <br />0 Nationa,l Register~tatus Code, (From Appendix 2 ofInstructions for Recording Historical Resources;Office of Historic <br />Prcservatibn) ':. ':' " <br />, ,3S: <br /> <br /> <br />.,. <br /> <br />.C: <br /> <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />EXHIBIT 1 <br />Page 1014 <br /> <br />25A-5 <br />