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<br />INSURED: ImageWare Systems, Inc. <br />COMPANY: Atlantic Specialty Insurance Company <br /> <br />POLICY #: 7110052520001 <br />POLICY PERIOD 7/10/2005 <br />EFFECTIVE DATE: 5/26/2006 <br /> <br />TO 7/10/2006 <br /> <br />Ie) That is insurance purchasad by you to cover your liabilily as a lenant for "property damage" to <br />premises rented to you or temporarily occupied by you with permlsslon 01 the owner: or <br /> <br />Cd) lithe loss arises oul olllle mairrtenance or use of eircraft, "eutos" (l( watercraft to the eident not <br />subject to Exclusion g. of Section 1- Covecag.. A - Bodily Injury And Property Damage Liability. <br /> <br />(Zl Perl other PJinaIY insuIance 8VIilable to you covering lability fur damages arising out of the pre~ or O!>- <br />erations for which you have been added as an addl1lonat il'IslIred by attachment 01 an endorsement. <br /> <br />When tIlis Insurance is excess, we WIll have no duty under Coverages A or B to defend the insured against <br />any "su~' II any olher insurer has a duty 10 delend the insured egainst that "suit". If no other insurer deleods, <br />we will undertake to do so, but we will be entJtIed to the iflSured's rights agamst all those other i_rers. <br /> <br />When this insurance is excess over other insurance. we will pay only our share of the amount of the loss, II <br />any, that exceeds the sum of: <br /> <br />(1) The latal amount thai all such olher insurance would paylor (he losstn the absence ofthls insurance: and <br /> <br />(2) The total at all deductible and salf-insured amounts under alllhat other insurance. <br /> <br />We will share the remaining loss, II any, with any other Insurance thAt is nol described in this Excess Insur- <br />ance provision and was not bought specifically 10 apply in excess of the Limits of Insurance shown in the <br />Declarations of this Coverage Part <br /> <br />e, Method Ot Shoring <br /> <br />If all 01 the other insurance permits contribution by equal shares, we wi~ foHow this method als<>, Under Ihis <br />approach each insurer contrioUles equal amounls until it has paid i1s applicable limit of insurance or none 01 <br />the loss remains, whIchever comes 'first. <br /> <br />If any of the other insurance does not permit con1ribution by equal shares, we will contribute by limits, Under <br />this method, each insurer's share is based on the ratio of its applicable limit of rnsurance to the total appli- <br />cable .mits of insurance of all insurers. <br /> <br />5. Premium Audit <br /> <br />4. We will compute all premium:! for thts Coverage Part in accordance with our rules and f<:lles. <br /> <br />b. Premium shown in this C-<>vecage Parlas advance premium is a depos~ premium only, AI the close or each <br />audit period we will compute lhe eamed premium lor ll1at period, Audit premiums are due and payable on <br />notice to 1I1e first Named Insured. If Ihe sum of the advance and audit prerrWffiS paid for tl1e poicy period lS <br />greater than the eamed premium, _,.,m re111m the exress lathe IiraI Named Insured. <br /> <br />c. The first Named Insured must keep records of the information we need for premium computation, and send <br />us copies at such times as we may request. <br /> <br />6. Representations <br /> <br />By accepting this policy, you agree: <br /> <br />8. The statements in !he DedaraliOOs sle aCCufate and complete; <br /> <br />b. Those stalements are based upon represenlaUons you made to us: and <br /> <br />e. W!'..have issu">l fh!.spolicy in reliance upon your representations. <br />'7;' Separation O!.!~.:.:> <br />L-.______ _ _..__ _- <br />"- '\)"., Except with respect to the Limits of Insurance, and any rights or du1tes specificelly assigned in this Coverage <br />"- Part to the first Named Insured, this Insurance applies: <br /> <br />'--.:.., I a. As if each Named Insured wer" the only Named Insured; and <br /> <br />'---:lJ.- 7b..:.....i?"e?,r~te!!'~chjn~I~ ilJll!lns! tJ!l0f!1 plaiTll-'S_rn..."~e or "suit" is broog ht. <br /> <br />',' r.Jl.~T"'nsf~r Of Righ!!_~~~ry Against Others To Us."':> <br /> <br />'\' J If the Insored has rights to recov-er-;'iiOrpartor"ny ;'yment we have made undor this Coverage Part, thaee <br />"\ rights are transterred to us, The insured must do nothing aner loss to impair them. At our requesl, the insurad <br />will bring "suit" or transfer those rights to us and help us enforce them. <br /> <br />9. When We 00 Not Ren<>w <br /> <br />II we d"cide nol 10 renew this Coverage Part. we will mail or deHvcr 10 the firat Nemed Insured shown in ll1e <br />Declarations written notice of the nonrenewal nolle.. than 30 days before the expiration dale, <br /> <br />If notice is mailed, proof of maiUng will be suffident proof of notice. <br /> <br />COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABlUTY <br /> <br />C::tll'l~ 11Y'I.~~",rvi,.........(;ff\r-A lnr IQO." <br />