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<br />. . <br /> <br />Q5~01-03 13:08 <br /> <br />FrDrCLERK r" :0£ BOARD <br /> <br />714834«3(- <br /> <br />T-Q84 P.QZI08 F-18Z <br />I . . .' <br />I . .. .' ð II I ,'" <br />¡ ¡f/r9t~"Y <br /> <br />." <br /> <br />ORiGINAL <br />CL£RK OF THE BOARD <br />oRANGE COUNTY <br /> <br />AGREEMeNT <br /> <br />FOR <br /> <br />INDEMNIFICATION IN THE OPERATION OF CITY VEHICLES <br />BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF ORANGE <br /> <br />AND <br />THE CITY OF SANTA ANA <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this JS day of ~ . 19~' <br />which date i8 enumerated for PUrpoHS of reference only, is by and~UNTY <br />OF ORANGE. a political aubdMtion of the State of Cllifomla. hereinaft8r ,.rred to as <br />"COUNTY- and tne CITY of SANTA ANA, a municipal corporation organlz8d unj:ter tne laWl <br />of the State of California, hereinafter referred to .CITY", COUNTY and cnrv shall be <br />collectively referred to 81 the Partie., <br /> <br />WITNESSETH: <br /> <br />WHEREAS, COUNTY. in cooperation with various cities withIn orang1county, .. <br />well as other stat8 and federal agencies. h.. Joined varlou8 task forces and law nforcemenl <br />team efforts In oreler to mo~ etrectively deal with adult and juvenile gang and atreet <br />terrorists: and ' <br /> <br />WHEREAS. . crucial.lement in the. joint end..vOl"6 Is the melding .f relOU/'C88 <br />from the various agenct..; and. . <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the COUNTY agrees to provide probltlon otncers as Ita resource <br />contribution; 8Ind : <br /> <br />WHEREAS. the CITY agree. to permil COUNTY probation officers asalghed to these <br />task forcea and law enforcement team.. to operate CITY vehidn In the performilnÅ“ of their <br />assignment.. ' <br /> <br />NOW. THEREFORE, in consJcferatlon of mutual promille.. covenanta. ared çonditlons <br />hereinafter set forth. the Pertl- ."r.. as follow.: ; <br /> <br />1.0 Qe:fINITlONS. As used In this Agreement. In8 following terms, unless <br />otherwise qualified. snail mean: <br /> <br />1 <br />