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<br />" <br /> <br />, . , <br />, - OS-Oi-03 13:01 <br /> <br />Fr08-C~' 'HE BOARD <br /> <br />114834.-. <br /> <br />T-OS4 P.04/0B F-IS2 <br /> <br />enforcement team bUllneas, shall be deemed a COUNTY employ.e acting within the course <br />and sc;ope of his or her employment with the COUNTY. <br /> <br />4.0 PRë-CONDITIONS At a pre-condition to being authoñzed or permitted to <br />drive or operate. CITY VEHICLE. the CITY will review the driving records of all COUNTY <br />employees aaalgned to thl. specific task force Df other law enforcement team for a history <br />of accidents and citations. In order to be approved to opef1lte a CITY vehicle on task force <br />or law enforcement tè.m business. COUNTY employees assigned to the tIIsk forces and law <br />enforcement teams must meet the same qualifications a. required of CITY employees. If <br />approved, COUNTY employees assIgned to this specific task force or law enforcement team <br />will be authorized to operate CITY VEHICLES when appropñate to their assignments. <br /> <br />5.0 HOME GARAGE PROHIBITION, No CITY VEHICLE will be "home garaged" <br />by 8 COUNTY employee or housed by . COUNTY employee at an .rea or location other <br />than a erN approved facility. <br /> <br />6.0 UNAU:rHORIZED USE, No COUNTY employee al.igned to the /ask force or <br />law enforcement team shall pennit, allow or authorize any Individual, other than a CITY <br />employee or another authori2:ed COUNTY employee assigned to this apeoific task force or <br />law enforcement team, to drive or operate a CITY VEHICLE. If such occurs, and such <br />unauthorized Individual incurs third party liability In any manner related to such IndIvidual', <br />driving or operation of a CITY VEHICLE, the prov\$/ons of the first sentence of Section 2.0, <br />Paragraph A, of this Agreement shall become applicable. and COUNTY sh~UI Indemnify, <br />defend and held CITY harmleH aQCOrdlng to tho provisions therein contaIned. <br /> <br />7.0 TERM, The term of this AgrHment shall commence on the date hereinabove <br />first written and. unless sooner tennlnated as provided for In Section 8.0 herein, shall <br />continue Indefinitely. <br /> <br />8.0 TERMINATION. Either CITY or COUNTY, for any reason, may terminate thi8 <br />Agreement, on thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. COUNTY', notice shall be <br />given to CITY's Chief of Police, and CllY's notice shall be given to COUNTY'. Chl.f <br />Probation Officer. <br /> <br />9.0 ATTORNEY'S FEES. Should any action be filed in any court of law, by either <br />CITY or COUNTY, to either enforce any of the terms of this Agreement. or to construe any <br />of It, lerms, the prevailing party In any such legal proĊ“edtng shall be entitled to <br />reimbursement of Its reasonable attorney's fees and court costs from the non-prevailing <br />party. <br /> <br />10.0 EFFECTIVE DATE. The effective dale of this Agreement shan be the date first <br />hereinabove writ1en. . <br /> <br />3 <br />