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WASTE DISPOSAL AGREEMENT <br />TI i1S WASTE DISPOSAL AGREEMENT is made and dated as of the date indicated on the <br />cover page hereof between the County of Orange, a political subdivision of the State of California (the "County"), <br />and the City designated on the cover page of this Agreement, a general law or charter city and political <br />subdivision of the State of California (the "City')_ <br />RECITALS <br />The County owns, manages and operates a sanitary landfill system for the disposal of municipal <br />solid waste generated by the cities and the unincorporated area within the County (the "Disposal System"). The <br />Disposal System includes four active landfills and four regional household hazardous waste collection centers. <br />The Disposal System is used for the disposal of municipal solid waste which is not reused, recycled or <br />otherwise diverted from landfill disposal, pursuant to the California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 <br />(Division 30 of the California Public Resources Code). The Act, which mandates the diversion of 50% of waste <br />from landfill disposal by 2000, has already significantly reduced the volume of waste delivered to the landfills. <br />The Disposal System, which was designed to accept approximately 16,000 tons of waste per day, now receives <br />on average less than 10,000 tons per day of Orange County waste. The reduction in tonnage disposed reduced <br />revenues to the system at the same time that federal and state statutes and regulations mandated the installation <br />of costly infrastructure at the landfills to protect air and water. <br />Based on reduced revenues and increased costs, the County was actively exploring opportunities to <br />remedy the shortfall when the bankruptcy occurred. The impact of the County's bankruptcy petition in December <br />1994 precipitated a series of profound changes because the Disposal System was identified as one of the County's <br />most valuable assets. These changes included importation of out -of -County waste to raise revenues, restructuring <br />the department like a business enterprise to reduce costs and operate more efficiently, and development of a <br />strategic study of the options available to the County for the future use or disposition of the system. <br />In January 1996, the County began accepting out -of -County municipal solid waste for disposal in the <br />Disposal System in order to utilize the unused landfill capacity to raise revenues to assist in bankruptcy recovery. <br />Contracts for disposal of imported waste are intended to produce net revenues of $15 million per year for twenty <br />(20) years, which revenues are committed to the County's Plan of Adjustment for bankruptcy recovery. <br />In March 1996, the hntegrated Waste Management Department ("IWMD") began implementing a <br />departmental restructuring plan focused on reducing overhead charges and costs applied by other County <br />department/agencies that provide support services to IWMD, reducing the contract services costs through <br />performance -based contract practices, and reducing staff' costs identified in the internal department <br />reorganization. In addition, IWMD continued to work with the Solid Waste Working Group ("SWWG") of the <br />City Managers Association ("CMA") and the Orange County Division of the League of California Cities <br />("LOCC") to resolve city issues and concerns regarding their future use of the Disposal System. <br />To assist in determining the future use of the Disposal System, the County engaged the services of <br />independent consultants to identify and study available options for disposition of the Disposal System. On <br />November 20, 1996, the Orange County Board of Supervisors considered the consultant's report and based on <br />recommendations from the cities and waste haulers, directed the IWMD to commence negotiations to secure <br />mutually acceptable long-term disposal contracts with Orange County cities and return within 90 days. <br />Execution Copy I (Revised Page) <br />