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11B - ORD. NOS. NS-2662 - 2666
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
11B - ORD. NOS. NS-2662 - 2666
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1/3/2012 5:00:30 PM
Creation date
9/14/2004 5:28:50 PM
City Clerk
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<br />E. As a part of this amendment proceeding, the Agency desires <br />to amend the Existing Plan ("Amendment") to merge the Project Area with the <br />Central City, Inter-City Commuter Station, North Harbor, South Harbor, and <br />Bristol Corridor Redevelopment Projects ("Merged Project Area") to allow the <br />combining of tax increment revenues from each and all of these constituent <br />project areas so that taxes attributable to each constituent project area which are <br />allocated to the Agency pursuant to CRL Section 33670(b) are allocated to the <br />entire Merged Project Area for the purpose of paying principal of, and interest on, <br />indebtedness incurred by the Agency to finance or refinance, in whole or in part, <br />the Merged Project Area; except that any such taxes attributable to any <br />constituent project area shall first be used to pay indebtedness in compliance <br />with the terms of any bond resolution or other agreement pledging such taxes <br />from the constituent project area, which resolution or other agreement was <br />adopted or approved by the Agency prior to the merging of these projects; and <br />except as otherwise noted above, tax increment revenue attributed to each <br />constituent project may be used for any lawful purpose in any constituent project <br />now within the Merged Project Area. <br /> <br />F. Further, the Amendment (as well as the concurrent <br />amendments to the other constituent project areas) creating the Merged Project <br />Area will best facilitate the revitalization of blighted areas through economic <br />vitality and increased and improved housing opportunities pursuant to CRL <br />Article 16, Section 33485, et. seq. <br /> <br />G. The City Council has received from the Agency the proposed <br />Amendment, a copy of which is on file at the office of the Clerk of the Council, 20 <br />Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, California, together with the Agency's Report to <br />the City Council on the Amendment, including the reasons for the Amendment; <br />proposed projects and programs; the proposed method of financing the <br />redevelopment of the Merged Project Area which includes the Project Area; a <br />method or plan for relocation; the report of the Planning Commission of the City <br />with respect to the conformity of the Amendment with the General Plan of the <br />City of Santa Ana ("General Plan"); a neighborhood impact report; a summary of <br />consultations with Project Area property owners, businesses and community <br />organizations; and a summary of consultations with affected taxing agencies. <br /> <br />H. A project area committee was not required to be formed in <br />connection with this Amendment because it does not affect the existing authority <br />of the Agency to acquire, by eminent domain, property on which a substantial <br />number of low and moderate income persons reside and because this <br />Amendment does not contain additional public projects and does not grant the <br /> <br />PA0407017.SNTA:CK:gbd <br />19090.003.006108/16104 <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />11 B-52 <br /> <br />
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