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NS-2656 - Approving a Development Agreement Between the City of Santa Ana and One Broadway Plaza LLC, 1200 N. Main LLC, and 845 Broadway, LLC
2000 - 2010 (NS-2416-2812)
2004 (NS-2641 - NS-2673)
NS-2656 - Approving a Development Agreement Between the City of Santa Ana and One Broadway Plaza LLC, 1200 N. Main LLC, and 845 Broadway, LLC
Entry Properties
Last modified
1/3/2012 1:01:26 PM
Creation date
9/14/2004 5:36:02 PM
City Clerk
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<br />. <br /> <br />s. <br /> <br />DEVELOPMENT OFTIIlt PROPERTY. <br /> <br />5.1 Existinl Rules, Replatieas aad Polides.The roles. regulations and <br />official policies governing the permitted U$C(s) of the Property.withrcspect to and only with <br />respect to tbe pcrmittcdusc(s) density, height, size of structures and intensity of use of the <br />Property. shall be the PrHxisting Approved Entitlements and al1 those rules. regulations, and <br />policies app1icablc to the Property as of the effective date of this Agreement; provided., however. <br />that nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to apply to future discretionary approvals <br />pursuant to the California Street Vacation Act, and other items to be reviewed and approved, <br />approved with conditions, or denied., by the Planning Commission pursuant to the terms of the <br />Pre-Existing Approval Entitlemcms as set forth in Exhibit D to this Agreement. and that this <br />Agreement docs not apply or in any way constrain the Cityts discretion as to such fùtW't <br />discretionary approvals. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />5.1.1 Offsite MltigatioD Measures. The offsite mitigation measures which <br />mustbc constroctcd by Owner or City areas set forth in Exhibit C to this Agreement The design <br />of all otrsite mitigation measut't$ consùuåed by Owner sball be subjoctto approval by tbe City's <br />Public Works Agcncyprior to issuance of an encroad1mcnt permit. The Public Works Agency <br />shall provide to the Owner an update to the 2004 estimate of the costs such offsite mitigations <br />measures contained in said Bxbibit Cprior to issuance of final map and building permit .Owner <br />shall have one year &om the effective date of this Agreemetttpursuant to scctìon 1.6. above, to <br />acquire the real property referenced in paragraph S.a. and 8 of Exhibit C and U'ansfer title to the <br />City, except as to the roundabout, for whic:b Owner sbalI &eCUre and transfer to City an easement <br />(or other right to consttuct. mainwn and use the property as a roundabout). City shall accept <br />transfer of this title and easement. Owner shan dcpositan amount equal to the estimate in cash <br />for such offsite mitigation measures (including traffic studies) at thetîme ca11ed for in paragraphs <br />5..., 8 and 9 of Exhibit C. For all other items specified in Exhibit C, security in the form of <br />bonds (i.e., a payment. a performance and a material bond) or other proof of ability to petfonn <br />acceptable to the City's Executive D.irector of Public Works Agency shall be provided, together <br />with an oft'site subdivision improvement agreement, prior to recordation of final map. For those <br />otmtc mitigation measures identified in paragrapb$l-4, S.b.M8 and 10 which have not been <br />acœptcd by the City as complete prior to issuance of a building pemút, no building permit shall <br />issue until Owner deposits with the City cash; a direct draw. irrevocable letter of credit; or <br />estab1ishes an irrevocable, escrowed cash account in a fonn reasonably acceptable to the City <br />Attorney of City, in an amount specified by the City's Public Works Agency to guarantee <br />perfonnance of said offsitc mitigation measures; provided, however, that City Executive Director <br />of Public Works Agency sha11 release or partially release the bonds previously provided at tis <br />point to the extent that they are duplicative of this new security. Any deposit shall be applied to <br />suchc:osts and sball be, within thirty (30) days written request to Owncr:, supplemented to cover <br />the actual costs incurred. Except as to paragrapb9 ofBxhibit C, City shall return any funds not <br />spent on the offsite mitigation measures referenced in Exhibit C tooWDer within thirty (30) days~ <br />subject to City accounting practices, after completion of all itemsrefere.oced in Bxhibit C and <br />issuance of a Certificate ot Occupancy tor the Project. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />@f <br /> <br />Ordinance No. NS-2656 <br />Page 11 of 45 <br />
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