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RECESS At 5:00 P. M. , the meeting <br /> was recessed to 7:30 P.M., <br /> at which time it was recon- <br />vened with all Council members present except Mayor Griset, who <br />arrived at 8:15 ?. M. and departed at 8..45 P.M.. Following the Pledge <br />of Allegiance to the Flag, the Invocation was given by Chaplain Herman <br />J. Baerg of the Orange County Medical Center. <br /> <br />ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 215 The Vice Mayor opened the <br /> public hearing, and stated <br /> that since the Mayor was <br />not present and since the proposed resolutions could not be adopted without <br />four-fifths VOte of Council, a motion for a continuance would be in order. <br /> <br />Councilman Evans' motion to continue the public bearing and second by <br />Councilman Villa were subsequently withdrawn. <br /> <br />Prior to the withdrawal of the motion and second, Mr. James Whitaker, <br />representing Harry Martin Associates, spoke in favor of proceeding <br />with the public bearing at that time. <br /> <br />F. MacKenzie Brown, the Attorney representing the City on Assessment <br />District No. 215, stated that construction bids had been received and could <br />not be held beyond a thirty,day period; and that the bids were favorable <br />in that they were well below the engineer's estimate. <br /> <br />There was .discussion regarding a continued date, however, the Mayor <br />was contacted by telephone and stated that he would be able to attend <br />the meeting for participation in the consideration of the Assessment <br />District matter only, and Council agreed to close the public hearing <br />and reopen it upon the Mayor's arrival by informal unanimous consent. <br /> <br />I~UBLIC HEARING The Vice Mayor opened the <br />AMENDMENT APPLICATION #714 public hearing on Amendment <br />WILLIAM J. LARDER Application ~714 filed by <br /> William J. Larder to rezone <br />property located on the south side of Stanford Street between Pacific <br />Avenue and Raitt Street from the R 1 District to the R 2 District. <br /> <br />The Director of Planning stated that the applicant's request for rezoning <br />was reasonable, in that the two lots to be rezoned were larger by 1,400 <br />square feet than the minimum square footage required and therefore the <br />density as designated in the General Plan would not be exceeded; and that <br />12 of the 16 existing lots having frontage on Stanford Street were zoned <br />R 2 with 10 of them having existing duplexes. <br /> <br />The Clerk reported no written communications had been received. <br /> <br />Mr. William H. Seeley, 822 South Van Ness, representing the applicant, <br />was present, and stated he would be glad to answer any questions <br />Council might have. <br /> <br />There were no opponents in the matter, and the Vice Mayor closed the <br />public bearing. <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br /> <br />4O <br /> <br />FEBRUARY 5, 1973 <br /> <br /> <br />