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RESOLUTION NO. 73-11 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA, AWARDING CONTRACT FOR THE <br />CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS, TOGETHER WITH <br />APPURTENANCES, APPURTENANT WORK IN~ CONNECTION THEREWITH <br />IN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 215 (MAPLE/COLUMBINE) IN THE CITY <br />OF SANTA ANA, awarding the contract to Henry 3. Kelly Co., Inc. , <br />Santa Aha, was adopted on motion of Councilman Patterson, seconded by <br />Councilman Villa, and carried on the following roll call vote: <br /> <br />AYES: Patterson, Villa, <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: None , <br /> <br />Evans, Herrin, GriSet, Yamamoto, Markel <br /> <br />(CA-90) <br /> <br />SPECIAL ORDER OF THE DAY Special recognition was <br /> ,~ given to Boy Scouts in the <br /> audience for their participa- <br />tion in a program to develop public speaking skills to motivate support <br />for the Orange County Anti-Litter Program. <br /> <br />Mr. Earl McKenna, Administrative Services Officer, Orange County Road <br />Departu~ent, introduced Eddie Garcia, 1ZZ5 South Everglade, who introduced <br />the speakers for [he evening, Alan Baker, 1222 West St. Andrews St., who <br />spoke on "Do You Want to be Buried Alive?", and Craig Wooldridge, Z431 <br />West St. Andrews, who spoke on "Fate of Our Waters".' (CA-145) <br /> <br />RECESS: At 9:07 P.M., a recess was <br /> declared. The meeting <br /> reconvened at 9:15 P.M. <br />with all,Councilmen present except Mayor Griset. . ' <br /> <br />APPLICATION FOR LICENSE The Vice Mayor opened the <br />TO OPERATE A SECOND HAND ,' public he'aring on the appeal <br />FURNITU'RE STORE filed by Rudolph Navarro <br /> from the Police Chief' s denial <br />of a certificate to operate a second hand furniture store. <br /> <br />Michael P. Gerbosi, Attorney, 400 West 10th St., representing the appellant, <br />stated that the application had been denied by the Police Department on the <br />basis of Section 25-7 of the Santa Aha Municipal Code which related to crimes <br />of theft by an individual; that the appellant's last arrest related to theft <br />had been in 1963 when he had been a juvenile and that Mr. Navarro had <br />been relieved' of any disability therefrom by the Superior Court on <br />January 17, 1973, pursuant to Section 1203.4 of the Penal Code. Mr. <br />Gerbosi filed with the Clerk an original copy of the court order referred <br />to. Mr. Gerbosi further stated that his client would soon be 28 years <br />of age; that he had had no involvement with the law having to d o with <br />theft for the past eight years; that his client had been paying rent on a <br />location for his proposed antique store for four months; that Mr. Navarro <br />had li,ved in Santa Ana all of his life and now wanted to do business in the <br />City. <br /> <br />The City Attorney stated that the Police Chief had had no discretion as to <br />whether to grant or deny a certificate pursuant to Section 25-7 of the <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 44 FEBRUARY 5, 1973 <br /> <br /> <br />