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NS-2667 - Approving and Adopting the Sixth Amendment to Redevelopment Plan for South Main Redevelopment Project
2000 - 2010 (NS-2416-2812)
2004 (NS-2641 - NS-2673)
NS-2667 - Approving and Adopting the Sixth Amendment to Redevelopment Plan for South Main Redevelopment Project
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Last modified
7/18/2016 3:00:37 PM
Creation date
10/20/2004 5:19:03 PM
City Clerk
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area shall first be used to pay indebtedness in compliance with the terms <br />of any bond resolution or other agreement pledging such taxes from the <br />constituent project area, which resolution or other agreement was adopted <br />or approved by the Agency prior to the merging of these projects; and <br />except as otherwise noted above, tax increment revenue attributed to <br />each constituent project may be used for any lawful purpose in any <br />constituent project now within the Merged Project Area. <br />F. Further, the Amendment (as well as the concurrent amendments to the <br />other constituent project areas) creating the Merged Project Area will best <br />facilitate the revitalization of blighted areas through economic vitality and <br />increased and improved housing opportunities pursuant to CRL Article 16, <br />Section 33485, et. seq. <br />G. The City Council has received from the Agency the proposed Amendment, <br />a copy of which is on file at the office of the Clerk of the Council, 20 Civic <br />Center Plaza, Santa Ana, California, together with the Agency's Report to <br />the City Council on the Amendment, including the reasons for the <br />Amendment; proposed projects and programs; the proposed method of <br />financing the redevelopment of the Merged Project Area which includes <br />the Project Area; a method or plan for relocation; the report of the <br />Planning Commission of the City with respect to the conformity of the <br />Amendment with the General Plan of the City of Santa Ana ( "General <br />Plan "); a neighborhood impact report; a summary of consultations with <br />Project Area property owners, businesses and community organizations; <br />and a summary of consultations with affected taxing agencies. <br />H. A project area committee was not required to be formed in connection with <br />this Amendment because it does not affect the existing authority of the <br />Agency to acquire, by eminent domain, property on which a substantial <br />number of low and moderate income persons reside and because this <br />Amendment does not contain additional public projects and does not grant <br />the Agency authority to fund or develop additional public projects that <br />would displace a substantial number of low and moderate income <br />persons. <br />I. Although this Amendment, and each of the proposed plan amendments <br />causing the merger, will be considered and adopted separately pursuant <br />to the CRL to facilitate their consideration, this Amendment and each of <br />the proposed plan amendments causing the merger have been <br />aggregated and presented together in a single joint public hearing. <br />J. The City Council and the Agency held a joint public hearing on September <br />7, 2004, on the adoption of the Amendment in the City Council Chambers, <br />22 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, California. <br />Ordinance No. NS -2667 <br />Page 2 of 9 <br />
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