Laserfiche WebLink
<br />06/ 0/ 004 09:20 FAX 603 643 6808 <br /> <br />GDT <br /> <br />GOVERNMENT LICENSE AGREEMENT <br /> <br />. . <br /> <br />By executing the Government License Agreement ("the Agreement"), Geographic <br />Data Technology, tnc. ("GDT") and the customer named therein ("Licensee") agaee <br />to the following lerms: <br /> <br />I . Grant of License GDT hereby grants to Licensee and Licensee hereby accepts <br />a license ("License") for <br /> <br />(3) a non-transferable. non-exclusive. perpctual license to use. for its own intemal <br />purposes the Product(s) for the number ofllscrs as desclibed on page I of this <br />Government License Agreement. A use) is defined as anyone or any device <br />having access to the data, even if only for occasional use. <br /> <br />(b) a non-perpemal Internet license for use of the Product. Intemet usage of data is <br />permitted for "Web Locator" applications, where the general public may enter a <br />'mgle address in order to locate themselves, or tile llearest objecl of iDlerest. <br />Within Ihese applications, data and any derived results may be published as <br />bitmaps with the appropriate copyright information. Users of Licensee's website <br />will have the ahility to enter a single address, or telephone number to locale <br />Licensee's customer's servlcc or buslIless locations. GDT's latttude and <br />longilnde coorùinates, address range, ZlP+4 and Census attribute data shall be <br />protected and shalf not be eX1l'actable. No oIher p,'oduct generated from the <br />Product shall be disclosed, liœnsed or sold, in whole or in part. to any third <br />party, without GDT's exprcss wriuen pcrmission. <br /> <br />2. Limitations to I.iccnsc Licensee is granted a license to use the Product(s) <br />provided, or any derivation thereof, solely in its Internet-based products and services <br />aod for Ibe imema! plltpO$CS of thc Liccmice al tbe .sile ¡denlWed above. Other tben <br />as granted above, no part of the Product(s), Or any derivation thereof, shall be <br />disclosed to tlmd palties, used for the bencfit of Ihird parties or used in an Intemet, <br />Automatic Vehicle I.ocation (A VL) or Location.Based Services application. other <br />than is spccifically set forth in this Agreement. Further, the use ofProduct(s) or their <br />derivatives is Slriclly prohibited in ill! On. board Navigalioll System. For Ibe potposes <br />of this Agreemem, an "On-board Navigatiou System" includes one or more of the <br />following componems installed in or on a vehicle: (a) a storage medium to store al <br />least a portion of lIIe Product(s) 01' a certain database derived therefrom, (b) a <br />gyroscope, or (c) a device to detect the wheel rotation of a vehicle. <br /> <br />Any product or services generated from the Product(s) shall not be disclosed, <br />licensed or sold, in whole or in part, to any third palty, withouI GDT's express <br />wrltlen pem1ission. L.cen.see shallu01 in any case, disclose, license. or sell reports, <br />produCts or scrviees where such will be used or incorporated imo products or scrvices <br />that actUally or potemially compete with products, data Or services of GDT. <br /> <br />3. COÐvine the Product or Documentation Other than copies for backup alUl <br />archival purposes, Licensee shall make no copies of the Product. Or any part thereof, <br />without the express written consent of GOT. Other than copies for internal use only, <br />Licensee shall not distribute copies of the Documentation, or any pan lIIereof. <br />without the express wliuen consent of GDT. Documentation shall be defined as any <br />iuformation about the Product distributed with the Product, including but not limited <br />to User Guides, Release Notes, metadata, or derivatives. All copies made shaH <br />remain the property of GDT under Ihe terms oftJlis Agreement. <br /> <br />Licensee acknowledges the valuable properly rights of GDT in the Product and <br />Documentation. All copies of any media containing the Product or Documentation or <br />paris thereof shall have Ihc foUowing notice; <br /> <br />"NOTICE <br /> <br />@ 200- Geographic Data Technology. Inc. All rights reserved. This material is <br />propriCtary and the subject of ropyriglu protection and other intellectual property <br />rights owned by or licensed to Geographic Data Technology, Inc. The use of this <br />material is subject to the terms of a License Agreement. You will be held liable for <br />any unauthorized copying or disclosure of this materiaL" <br /> <br />4. Prollrletarv Rll!kts ami Confidentialitv The ProduCt(s) is and contains the <br />copyrigheed and trade seCfet propeny of GDT. GOT retains all rights no! expressly <br />granted to Licensee. Licensee ag.-ecs not to exiract data from or publish OJ' to allow <br />any third parey to extract data from Or publish any part of the Product(s) withoutlhe <br />prior wrinen consent of GDT. Licensee shall not disclose the terms of or activities <br />contemplated by this Agreement without the prior wriuen approval of GDT. Licensee <br />acknowledges thai the Product(s) and any oilier information disclosed by GDT to <br />Licensee in cmljuuction with the ProduCI(S) is secret and of substantial value 10 GOT <br />which value =y be lost if Ihe secrecy of such information is not main!IIÌned. <br />Licensee agrees to exercise no less Ulan the same degree of care that Ì[ exercises, or <br />in the observance of reasonable care should exercise, with respect to its owu <br />confidential and proprietary informaûon of equal importance to it. The provisions of <br />this section 4 shaH survive the expiraÜon aud termination of tbis Agreement. <br /> <br />5, !.ill£ Title to the Product(s) remaius witll GDT. Licensee sllall onty have Ihe <br />rights expressly granted under section I above. <br /> <br />6. Warranties GOT wa11'an!s that it owns or has U,e full right and authority to <br />license the Prodnct. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY STATED IN THIS AGREEMENT, <br />GDT DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES <br />REGARDING THE PRODUCT, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF <br />MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. <br /> <br />7 Licen~e Fee Licensee shaU pay GOT the License Fee(s) as set forth on page I <br />of this Government License Agreement for Ihe use of the Product(s). All fees tllldcr <br />this Agrecment are payable within thiny (30) days fTOm receipt of billing. Fees <br />Rev, 6/200...1UJiÞ..4.... GDT CONFIDENTIAL <br /> <br /> <br />CA.08,ûP <br /> <br />outstanding mOfe than thirty (30) days from their due date are subject to a two <br />perccnt (2%) per month late fee charge. <br /> <br />8. Term of Aeceement The term of this Agreelne"! is for onc (J) year ("'mllal <br />Term"). The term will be extended in one (l) year increments (each a "Renewal <br />Term", collectively "the Term") if Licensee provides GDT with a Purchase Order <br />by the Anniversary Date of the Agreement in order to receive subsequem <br />shipments of lhe Producl(sj at the lenDS comained herein. Licensee shall have <br />perpetual use of the Product(s) for internal use. Interne[ usage is nou-perpetual <br />and must be renewed on an annualhasis. <br /> <br />9. Termination Licensee may termin.'IIe this Agreement in the event of a <br />material breach ofthis Agreement hy GDT. GDT may terminate tIns Agreement <br />in the event of a material breach of lIIis Agreement by Licensee. Upon any <br />termination of this Agreement, Licensee shall: (a> immediately return to GDT or <br />destroy all copies of lIIe Product(s) in its possession; (b> cease all use of the <br />Product(s) or auy derivation thereof; and (c) if requested, provide GDT with an <br />affidavit signed by an officer attesting that the tenns of this Termmatlon clal1se <br />have been met. In IIle event that IIlis Agreement is terminaled for any reason othe, <br />Ihan GDTs material breach of Ihis Agrocmcnl, Licensee ..h.11 pay 10 GDT, within <br />ten (10) days after the datc of such tennu1ation, an amount equaJ to the License <br />Fees as set folth in Governmenl License Agreemcnt for the remainder of Ihe Term. <br /> <br />10. Inspection RiI!:bls During the one (I) yeat period after Ihis Ag,eemem lIas <br />been terminated pursuant to Article 8 hereof, GDT shall have the right to inspect <br />the Licensee's computer systems to confirm compliance with Article 8 hereof <br />upon reasonable prior notice to Licensee. <br /> <br />I I. Sales and Use Taxes Licensee shall be solely responsible for any sales or <br />use laxes which may be levied as a result of lIIis Agreement. <br /> <br />12. Compliance with United Stales ExtlOrt Control Laws and Rel!ulatlons <br />GDT and the Product(s) are subject to regulation by Uniteù States government <br />agencies, which prohibil export or diversiott of the Product(s), information abolll <br />the Product(s), and derivatives of thc Product(s) to certain couniries and cert.'Ún <br />persons. Regardless of any disclosure maùe by Licensee to GDT, and in <br />consideration of GDT entering into this Agreement, Licensee represents and <br />warrants that Licensee will not export in any manner, either di,'ectly or indirectly, <br />any of the Product(s) or derivativcs of the product(s) without first obtaining an <br />necessary approvals from appropriate Untted Slates government agencies. <br />Licensec acknowledges tl1at regnlalÌOII of expol1s is in continuous modification by <br />the United States Congress and administrative agencies, and agrees to complete all <br />documents and to meet all requiremellls arising out of such modifIcations. <br /> <br />13. 1I.S. Gllvernment ReslrlctedlI.lmlted Rillhlç Any software, <br />documentatton andlor data delivered hereunder is subject to the term of the <br />License Agreement. In no event shalllhe Governmem acquire greater than <br />RESTRICTEDlUMITED RIGHTS. At a minimum, use, duplication, 01' <br />disclosure by the Government is subjeCt to restrictions as set forth in FAR <br />§52.227-14 Alternates I,ll and III (11IN 1987); FAR §52.227-19 (JUN 1987) <br />andlor FAR § 12.211112.212 (Commercial Technical Data/Computer Sof[ware); <br />and DFARS §252.217-7015 (NOV 1995) (Tee/mical Dala) and/or DFARS <br />§227.7202 (Computer Software) as applicable. <br /> <br />14. SuP )orl And M )lnteøance GOT shaJJ SUPP0l1 thc Prodncl{s) for tl»'ee (3) <br />years after the date of release. GOT sltalluse its best effotts to (i) promptly <br />con'eel major defects in the Product(s), and (ii) corrcctminor or ordinary defects <br />by the neXl general commercial release of the Product( s) J . <br /> <br />15. ReDlaeement Policv GDT will replace defective or unreadable media at 110 <br />charge provided GDT is uotified willlin thirty (30) days of the olÌginal invoice <br />date. Replacements requested after this time will be subject to a fee, not to exceed <br />fiftccn perccnt (15%) of original invoice. <br /> <br />16. Publicily. If cilber parry wishes loi..uea press release tJfengage in <br />marketing activities in conneCtion with the activities contemplated in this <br />Agreement. such releases will be subject to prior review and wrillen approval of <br />tlte other party, which shall not be unduly withheld. <br /> <br />17. Gllverniœ Law This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in <br />accordance with the laws of the State of California. <br /> <br />18. Notices An notices and communications required or permitted under Ihis <br />Agreement shall be in writing and shall be sent by mail Of by facsimile <br />transmission ("Fax") with confirmed answe,. back, to Licensee at their addre5-s set <br />fOl1h on page I of this Agreement 01' 10 such other address as Licensee may from <br />time 10 time specify by notice to GOT. <br /> <br />19. Effective Dote Tlte Effective Date of this Agreement is set forth on page 1 <br />of Ihis Govemrnen! License Agreement <br /> <br />page 2 oß <br />