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<br />¡' <br /> <br />,.jOt <br /> <br />MITCHELL $ILBlfIUJERG & KNUPP LLl' <br /> <br />CLIENT ENGAGEMENT AGREEMENT <br /> <br />depositions and other discovery; making court appearances; preparing for and attending trial; <br />traveling; and conferring with other lawyers and staff in ouröfficl:. <br /> <br />4. We will incur various costs and expenses and will provide certain <br />s.ervices while performing legal services for you. Youagtee to pay for those items in additicm to <br />the fees fòr legal services. The còsts and expenses and in-house services may include but not be <br />limited to ~Jollöwing: process servers' fees; fees. fixed by law or assessed by courts or other <br />agencies; court reporters' fees; parking fees; localand out of town travel expenses; telephone <br />charges; messenger and other delìvery serllices; photocopying audother reproduction services; <br />clerical staff overtime charges; word processing charges; computerized research <¡harges; and <br />similar items. In-house services will becha¡:ged inaçcotdance withoJ,1t gêneralfirm pçjlicies. <br />Extemàl costs and expenses generally wìll be charged to you at our cost. We shall not be <br />required to advance payment for external costs and. eXPenses. If we, in our discretipn, d:eeidenot <br />to advm<¡e certain extet!).al costs or expenses, you will pay directly to the providêt such eXternal <br />costs and expenses promptly after being requested to do so, and will hold us harmless for your <br />failure to do 50. If We, in our discretio!1, decide to advance certain external costs or expenses, <br />suchextemal costs and expenses shall be included on our biII to you forJegalservices. Without <br />your prior approval, we will noti!1Cur on your behalf a!1Y major external costs or expenses. To <br />aid in your matter, it mJilY become necessary to hire experts, consultants, or investigàtòrs. We <br />wìll not hire such persons unless you agree to pay their fees mdcharges. <br /> <br />5. We will send youperiodÌl;¡¡tatementsfoTfees, co¡¡ts,exPen¡¡es, and in- <br />house services. If you would like us tçj sepd You our statements electromca1ly,please let US <br />know. You may request a statement at intervals of no less than 30 days, and, ifyoil do sO,we <br />will provide astateme!1t to you within 10 days of your request. Ea<¡h statement will be due:al1d <br />paYäble ih full upon receipt. If you would like to pay us by wire transfer, plêásð let us know, <br />and we will provide you with wiring in'Structions. If any statement is not paid in full within 30 <br />days afietmaìling, we wiU have the right to withdraw as Your]¡¡wyers and We also wìll Pave the <br />rigbteachmonthto impose a delinquency charge of one perCént (1 %). of the ani01.lÍlt not paid <br />u!1til it ¡¡¡paid i!1 full. <br /> <br />6. You may discha¡:ge USa¡¡ your lawyers at any ti:me. We may withdraw as <br />your lawyers with your consent or forgaod cause. Good cause includes but isnotlimitêd to the <br />fuIlowÎ!1g: your breach of this Agreement; your failure to pay our bills on time; your refusal to <br />cooperate with us; your refusal to follow Pur advice ona material matter; the development of an <br />irreconcilable conflict between you and us as to the conduct of the matter; or any fact or <br />circumstanee that would re!1~oureQntinuingrepresemation unreasonable or eQntrary to law or <br />the rules ofptofessíonal ethics. IfYOildíscharge us or We elect to withdraw, you agree forthwith <br />to secure other counsel of your Own selection to represent you, and, if we are your attorneys .of <br />record i!1[itigation, .!9..eooperate fully insubstitutihgsu<;h newcoUfl5C1[ as your attorneys of <br />record in thè litigation. At the time of withdrawal, we will be entitled to be paid in accordance <br />with this Agreement for al1 services rendered to you and for al1 eosts and expenses paid or <br />incurred by us on your behalf- <br /> <br />7. Nothing in this Agreement ánd nothing in our Statements to you wil1 be <br />construed as a guarantee or promise about the outCOtne of your ma,tter or any phase thereof. We <br />make no such guarantees or promises. Our comments about the outcome of your mattêtor any <br />phase thereof are expressions of opinion only. You acknowledge that the aT!1ountoflegal .fees <br /> <br />0700199.DO(: <br /> <br />2 <br />