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EXHIBIT A <br />TO INMATE MEDICAL SERVICES AGREEMENT <br />DEFINITIONS, SERVICES AND <br />ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS <br />I. PAYMENTS <br />A. Inmate Medical Services, City shall pay Contractor one-twelfth (1/12) of Total Annual <br />Sum for medical services, upon receipt of Contractor's invoice on a form approved or supplied <br />by City, provided, however, that the total of all payments for each one-year term, commencing <br />September 1, 2004 and continuing through August 31, 2007, shall not exceed the City's Total <br />Annual Cost for Medical Services for that annual period. <br />1. Payments will be made by City within Thirty (30) days of receipt of a correctly filled <br />out and complete invoice form. <br />2. City shall not reimburse Contractor for services provided beyond the expiration or <br />termination of this Agreement, except as may otherwise be provided under this <br />Agreement, or specifically agreed upon in a subsequent Agreement. <br />B. Additional Services. The total amount City will be obligated to pay for Chazgeback <br />Services and Psychiatric Crisis Intervention and Evaluation shall not exceed $110,000.00, during <br />each one-yeaz term, commencing September 1, 2004 and continuing through August 31, 2007. <br />II. <br />The parties agree to the following terms and definitions, and to those terms and definitions, <br />which for convenience, aze set forth elsewhere in this Agreement. <br />1. "Health Authority" means Correctional Managed Caze Medical Corporation's <br />Medical Director. <br />2. "Responsible Physician and Health Care Professional" means any physician, <br />nurse, or other person or class of persons designated by Contractor to perform treatment <br />authorization functions specified in this Agreement. <br />3. "Custodial Patient" means any of the following: <br />a) A City of Santa Ana Jail inmate referred to Contractor for treatment by the <br />Santa Ana Jail Sick-Call Protocol. <br />b) A person brought to Contractor for treatment by the City of Santa Ana Jail <br />on behalf of outside "Owning Agencies", i.e. U.S. Marshall Service, INS, <br />etc. <br />c) A minor, brought to Contractor for treatment, who is under the caze and <br />custody of the City of Santa Ana Jail. <br />d) Emergency health care needs will be provided by Contractor until City <br />contracted pazamedics azrive. Emergency treatment for facility personnel <br />11 <br />