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IV. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS <br />A. Contractor shall provide those medical reports required by City for Custodial Patients <br />provided services pursuant to this Agreement. At a minimum, Contractor shall provide a written <br />Medical Service Activity Report for services provided hereunder. The report shall include, but <br />not be limited to, date of service, booking number, name of inmate, attending nurse or physician, <br />brief description of problem, brief description of disposition and amount billed to the City of <br />Santa Ana. Medical Service Activity Report will be submitted to City daily. <br />B. Utilization Review / Ouality Assurance. <br />1. Contractor shall develop and maintain a Utilization Review (U.R.) program and a <br />Quality Assurance (Q.A.) program for the review of all services provided <br />pursuant to this Agreement. Subject to all confidentiality laws, and upon request, <br />Contractor shall provide City with a written copy of its Q.A. and U.R. procedures <br />together with such periodic statistical reports, encounter data and other <br />information which may result from Q.A. and U.R. activities for Custodial <br />Patients. The extent and format of such information shall be determined, in <br />writing, by City. Such programs shall meet the requirements of all appropriate <br />Federal and State laws and regulations. <br />2. "Responsible Physician", means the physician who provides on-site medical <br />services to Custodial Patients at the Santa Ana Jail. Contractor's U.R. personnel <br />shall perform concurrent U.R. in conjunction with the Responsible Physician and <br />provide periodic reports to Contractor's Health Authority. <br />3. Contractor's Health Authority will assume responsibility for review, approval and <br />implementation of medical policies and procedures. The Health Authority and <br />Contractor's Director of Operations will work with City to insure appropriateness <br />and adequacy of imnate health care. <br />4. When City and Contractor disagree regazding the level, appropriateness or quality <br />of caze, including the need for Inpatient or Outpatient Care, the Contractor's <br />Responsible Physician ,Nurse Practitioner, Director of Operations and the City's <br />Jail Administrator will meet and attempt to resolve the disagreement. If the <br />disagreement is not thereby resolve within thirty (30) days, then the Contractor's <br />Responsible Physician and the City's Jail Administrator shall meet with the <br />Contractor's Health Authority and attempt to obtain agreement. If agreement is <br />not obtained within thirty (30) days after such meeting, such dispute shall be <br />submitted to binding azbitration, conducted according to the rules of the American <br />Arbitration Association, but not necessazily by said Association. The arbitrator <br />shall be a person mutually agreed upon by the parties. If the parties cannot agree <br />upon an azbitrator, then either party may bring an action in the appropriate court <br />to have the dispute resolved. If an azbitrator is agreed upon by the parties, all <br />parties shall contribute equally to the arbitrator's fees and other costs of the <br />proceedings, and shall beaz their own attorney's fees. Said azbitration shall be the <br />sole remedy for disputes arising from disputes under this subparagraph, provided, <br />however, if the arbitrator fails to render a decision within thirty (30) days after the <br />IS <br />