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<br />.)k SCO'ITSDALE INSURANCE COMPANY- <br /> <br />ENDORSEMENT <br />NO. <br /> <br />ATTACHEDTC AND ENDORSEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE <br />FCRMNGAPARTDF 112:01 A.M.IJTANDARDTME) NAMED IN8UÆD AaENTNO. <br />PQLICY NU".ER <br />CLS0990409 02/02/2004 ~ACIFIC SYSTEMS ELECTRIC 04058 <br /> <br />THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES lHE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. <br /> <br />ADDmONAL INSURED-OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS <br />(WITH OFTIONAL COVERAGE PROVISIONS) <br /> <br />Thl, endorlllllllllllt modifies Insurance provided under the fdlawlng: <br /> <br />COMMERCIAL GENERAL UABILITY COVERAGE PART <br /> <br />SCHEDULE <br /> <br />Name of Pellon or Organization: <br />SBB BBLOW <br /> <br />Who Is An Insured (Section II) is amended to Include as an Insured the person or organization shown In <br />the Scheduls, but only to the 6Xl8nt the add~lonallnsured Is held liable for the Named Insured's negligent <br />ms or DrfIlssbns arising from occurrences directly caused by, and while in the course cI the Named <br />Insured's ongoing operations performed for that add ~Ionallnsured. <br /> <br />Optional Q>v9l'llge Provlslon8 applicable to the above. The selected option(8) 18 designated by a mark in the <br />box to the left of the optIon. <br /> <br />0 OPTION A <br /> <br />The Insurance provided by this endorsement &haI be primary, but only in the event cI <br />the Named I nSlJ'8d's sole negligence. <br /> <br />The In8urance provided by thl8 endorsement shall be primary and noncontributory, but <br />only In the event of the Named I nsured's sole negligence. <br /> <br />The Insurance provided by this endorsement Is amended to Include any person or <br />organization that the Named Insured has agreed and/or Is required by contract to name <br />as an add~lonaI insured, per schedule 011 fie with company. <br /> <br />0 OPTlON B. <br /> <br />ŒJ OPTION C, <br /> <br />Additional Pl'8lTllum S <br /> <br />1,000 <br /> <br />~9-R_' ¿ 1<-- <br /> <br />/ <br /> <br />AUTHORIZED REPRESIMATIVE <br /> <br />DATE <br /> <br />Includ.. oopyrIghted m""'rlaJ of Insur.".. S8IvIœ. 0ffI.., ~.., wt1h 118 permlalon. <br />Copyright, In.UIII1D1 ServIces ortIce, Inc., 1998 <br />