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MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING <br /> OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE <br /> CITY OF SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA <br /> <br />May 27, 1975 <br /> <br />The meeting was called to order at 4:00 P.M. in Room 831, City <br />Hall, 20 Civic Center Plaza, by Mayor John Garthe. The Clerk <br />of the Council reported that proper notice had 5eon mailed and <br />posted, with affidavits on file. The following Councilmen were <br />present: Gordon Bricken, David F. Ortiz, Harrp K. Yamamete, <br />Vernon S. Evans, David L. Brandt, Samos E. Ward and Mayer <br />Garthe. Also present were City Manager Bruce C. Spragg, Acting <br />City Attorney Charles Liberto, and Clerk of the Council Florence <br />I. Malone. Press representatives were also in attendance. <br /> <br />EXECUTIVE SESSION <br /> <br />matters. At 4:22 <br />present. <br /> <br /> Mayor Garthe announced <br /> an Executive Session at <br /> 4:10 P,M. for discussion <br /> of personnel and legal <br />P.M. Council reconvened with all memDers <br /> <br />MANAGBMBNT IMPROVEMENT Tko City Council cen~ <br />PROGRAM REPORT tinued its review of <br /> the report on the Manage- <br /> ment Improvement Program <br />for the City prepared by Arthur D. Little, Inc., San'Francisco, <br />commencing with page 25, "Recommendations for Organizational <br />Improvement". <br /> <br />The City Manager stated that he was generally in ag~eezent with <br />the recommendations for reorganization of tke Cit~ Manager's <br />Department to provide a management team consisting ef tko Cit~ <br />Manager, the Assistant City Manager, and four Deputy City. <br />Managers; that he has some rese~vatiens regarding e~ual salary <br />for the Deputy City Managers; tkat the personn~l Department <br />would review the salaries and responsibilities, that the're is <br />a need for the Assistant City Manager position bec&u~e many <br />times the City Manager is not present and decisions must be. <br />made; that external relationships, including the Consortium, <br />SCAG, County, Man-in-~ashington and joint powers areas, kaye <br />become a function of management requiring considerable time and <br />effort by the City Manager; that consequently the Assistant City <br />Manager must devote his time to making decisions on internal om <br />domestic matters; and that at this time he would recommend that <br />Council adopt the recommendations in principle, but that no <br />immediate appointment of the Deputy City Manager for Public <br />Safety is contemplated. <br /> <br />Mr. Spragg further stated that the reorganization would p~evfde <br />the foundation for a management objectives program wherein <br />departments would quantify their goals as to what theP 5ope <br />to achieve with specific monies. He defined certain area~ ef <br />the report with which he disagreed, stating that he was opposed <br />to combining the Personnel and Manpower Services Departments; <br />that as an alternative he wo~ld suggest an office ef Manpower <br />Services that would report dzrectly to the Deputy City Mana~e~, <br />but not be under the Personnel Director; that he would recommend <br />separate status for the Redevelopment Department, so that the <br />Department head would report directly to the City Manager; that <br />all Deputy City Managers would be physically located on the <br />eighth floor so as to improve communications. <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br /> <br />221 <br /> <br />MAY 27, lq75 <br /> <br /> <br />