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MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING <br /> OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE <br /> CITY OF SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA <br /> <br />July 14, 1975 <br /> <br />The Adjourned Regular Meeting of the City Council was called to <br />order at 2:00 P.M. by Mayor John Garthe, in the Council Cham- <br />bers, 22 Civic Center Plaza, with the following Council members <br />present: David F. Ortiz, Harry K.,Yamamoto, Vernon S. Evans, <br />James E. Ward and Mayor John Garthe. Councilman Gordon Bricken <br />arrived at 2:25 P.M.; Councilman David L. Brandt was absent. <br />Also present were City Manager Bruce C. Spragg, City Attorney <br />Keith L. Gow, Director of Public Works Ronald Wolford, Director <br />of Planning Charles C. Zimmerman, Police Chief Raymond C. Davis, <br />and Clerk of the Council Florence I. Malone. <br /> <br />INVOCATION <br />PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE <br /> <br />Following the Pledge of <br />Allegiance to the Flag, <br />the Invocation was given <br />by Councilman Ortiz. <br /> <br />SPECIAL PRESENTATION Mr. Gary Yamamoto, State <br />STATE PERMIT FOR Department of Public Health, <br />WATER SYSTEM OPERATION presented the City of Santa <br /> · .Ana with its revised State <br />Permit for Water System Operation; the presentation was made to <br />Public Works Director Ronald Wolford, and Water Engineer Walter <br />Schraub. Mr. Yamamoto stated that the Department of Public <br />Health had made a survey of the water system pursuant to Sections <br />4011 through 4055 of the California Health and Safety Code, and <br />found that the water supply and reliability of the water system <br />for the City had vastly improved since the last survey five <br />years ago. CA 12 <br /> <br />CONSENT CALENDAR <br /> <br />requested by Councilman Ortiz; <br />by Councilman Yamamoto; Items <br />requested by Councilman Evans; <br /> <br /> The following Agenda <br /> items.were removed <br /> from the Consent Calen- <br /> dar: Items 7 G and 1S, <br />Items 7 A, F and J, requested <br />7 C, E, H and I, 10 A, B and C, <br /> Item 7 D, requested by Mayor <br /> <br />Garthe. NO votes were registered by Councilman Yamamoto on <br />6 D and E; and Councilman Ward on Item 8 A. <br /> <br />On the unanimously carried (5-0) motion of Councilman Ward, <br />seconded by Councilman Evans, Council affirmed the recommended <br />action on the following Consent Calendar Items: <br /> <br />MINUTES <br /> <br />June 7, 16, 18, <br />June 16, 1975. <br /> <br />19 and 24; <br /> <br /> Approved the Minutes <br /> of the Adjourned <br /> Regular Meetings of <br />and the Regular~Meeting of <br /> <br />BID CALLS <br />ment for bids <br /> <br />on the following: <br /> <br />Approved plans and <br />specifications, and <br />authorized advertise- <br /> <br />PROJECT 1352 & PROJECT 4036 Segerstrom <br />Avenue, Harbor Boulevard to Santa-Aha River, <br />and K1 Storm Drain at Segerstrom Avenue. <br /> <br />CA 89G <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br /> <br />285 · JULY 14, 1975 <br /> <br /> <br />