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RECESS <br /> <br />with the same Councilmen present. <br /> <br />At 9:30 p.m. Mayor <br />Garthe recessed the <br />meeting; at 9:38 p.m. <br />it was reconvened <br /> <br />DOG LICENSE FEES AND THE Mr. Kenneth R. Beko <br />PROPOSED LICENSING OF CATS of 3413 South Olive <br /> Street, objected to <br /> the increased dog <br />license fees and suggested that stray cats are just as much <br />of a problem to the citizens; and that if the County can <br />run a voluntary cat licensing program, he doesn't see why <br />the City can't. <br /> <br />Larry Gentry, 1831 West 19th Street, stated that he had no <br />objection to the increased pet owner fees, but that the <br />notice said that the fee would be $5.00 more if the animal <br />had not been neutered or spayed; that the animal must be <br />licensed at four months of age, but that he could not find <br />a veterinarian who would alter an animal before six months <br />of age and some who preferred nine months of age; and that <br />he would be required to pay a penalty for something he ?~? <br />could not get done. !? <br /> <br />Council referred the matter to Staff for report and re- <br />commendation by unanimous informal agreement. <br /> <br />CA 65 <br /> <br />PUBLIC HEARING The Mayor announced <br />ORDINANCE NS-1263 that the matter of a <br />UTILITY USERS TAX utility users tax had <br /> previously been moved <br />to the evening agenda to allow for comments from the audience <br />and he thereupon opened the meeting fore, public hearing. <br />Mr. Wayne Rash, 522 West First Street~, said that a new general <br />tax is always a perilous step becaus~ it sets a precedent; <br />that this is not the time for a new ~general tax; that a <br />property tax increase would be prefdrable to the new utility <br />users tax; that he sympathizes with the City's budget problems <br />and that he suggests as an alternative proposal, another <br />$100,000 cut in minor items from the operating budgets of <br />1976 and ~7 and consideration ~£ a 31 cent increase in the <br />property tax for 1976, increased~to 36 cents the next year, <br />plus a maxi~k~n $ percent increas~e)in salaries for City em- <br />ployees ne~xt~l~ear. He suggested~ further that the City lobby <br />the State le~slature for a "City Tippler Tax". <br /> <br />Mr. Billy C. Hall; City Center Association, advised Council <br />of the Association's opposition to a utility users tax; that <br />they are in favor of the crime abatement program, but would <br />prefer to fund it through additional property taxes. <br /> <br />Councilman Ward stated that for him, in times of recession <br />and high unemployment, it is difficult to consider new and <br />higher taxes, but that newt.revenues are necessary to pay for <br />the near 100 new policemen that the City needs; that the most <br />equitable method to all categories of citizens and business <br />people in the community to share in the cost of crime pre- <br />vention would be the utility users tax; and that an advantage <br />would be user tax control through controlled utilities usage. <br /> <br />Councilman Yamamoto agreed with Councilman Ward's comments. <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br /> <br />306 <br /> <br />JULY 14, 1975 <br /> <br /> <br />