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District Agreement # 12 -419 <br /> <br /> PART FOUR: SCREENING CRITERIA <br />UsC O triturate/fleet of paper tf n¢¢~,lsacy, [f a~ of tfi~ sereenlng criteria be/ow are ~ol in~. ~fie pr~po:al will not <br />h~ oinked er ~'a~ualeA ~ "no" at. wet to any of tfie follon'b~g queMioa$ i~e~ately dmqual~ the propa~aL <br />')ex "~liH requlrux 5upponing e*~dence far the project to fie cvnslder~l for fua,ling. <br /> <br />1, Docs the project fit the TEA Program? ~'es <br /> a. Direet~elalfon to theIntermodalTraasportalion System <br /> Dei~be Iht project's direct relatlnn~h{P t0 th~ traa~ortat[mt $yatem In tile lullabying terms: <br /> ~oe~ ~e proposed project enhance {he transportation s~tem?} Function: <br /> ~t~ project ftnction~ as a vattal bt~r betweat the InterMate-3 fresvay and the <br /> re~file~tiat netgfibor/too~ ~l.[oreover. It provides sceuic beattt~cation to both <br /> areas, and bt o&tition, helps to alleviate noise and vehicle eln~Mon~ ~om <br /> fi'eeway travel, <br /> Proxtm{~: <br /> The praposed project ts directO' atOacent to a major transportation facility, the <br /> Intersrate. S freewa); <br /> Impact: <br /> The impact of the projebt is the traasformatloo of an area from ut~ight~, to <br /> pleasb:g, It a&o provide~ many emdrott.tental ben~ts. <br /> <br /> b. Over and above a normal project? ~Yes Explain. <br /> 0f the aet[vlly I~ mentioned ht an environmen(al document ~ u required mRlgallon, or <br /> I~ required by pemitting :lg~nci~s to proceed ~ith another project, the actlvt~ Is not over and above <br /> a "normal" project) <br /> <br />The unO' mitigation measttres were those requh'cd on the part of the CaliJbrnia <br />Department of Transportation to lessen die impact of their freeway widenbtg project. <br />T]to-re ttteasttre$ #tc/uded the pro~,ision ara xototdt~'a# hearten tile freeway attd adjacettl <br />neighborhood, and surfi:ce planting (vines). <br /> <br />T/re I,mdscape pla~tting intended as part ~f tbis project goes abort an,'t bcs~ond those <br />reqtdrentents. This neliviO~ t's trot req.ire¢l as part of aa)' em,lrottatetital docttment. This <br />project ri'as created with the sole intent to bnpravc the qnaHty of life for nearby residents <br />andJ'reeway travelers, and to improve the bnage of the Cityfi'om both of tlte.~e <br />viewpolnt. L <br /> <br />2. Coafortoity <br />a. ls ihe project conslstent (or "uoi inconsistettt") with federal, state, reginnal or local <br />laud use and regioual transportation plaus, goals and policies'? <br /> .,~Yes ElNa <br /> <br />Please de:scribe the pleas used in evaluating consistency: <br /> <br />This proposcd projcct ia' consisteJtt with the CiO, of Santo Aha, Pubtec ti'or'ks Ageno' <br />"Interstate-5 Re-Use Phln far the Cahflornia Department of Trunsportation Remnant <br />Properties" <br /> <br />18 <br /> <br /> <br />