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B. The other half to be used as follows: <br /> <br />1. Ceiling on the Utility Tax to be lowered <br /> from $3,500 to $3,000; <br /> <br />2. Any remaining funds to be used to reduce the <br /> property tax. <br /> <br />Mr. Don Gilchrist, representing the Chamber of Commerce, stated <br />that he cannot determine the approximate split for the utility <br />tax income because the utility companies are unable to provide <br />that information. He further stated that the Chamber concurs <br />with Mr. McMichael's comments regarding the City's estimated <br />income; and that the practice of expending surplus funds on a <br />list of Unfunded Projects is questionable. <br /> <br />Mr. Rhoads Martin, Chamber of Commerce, suggested that the Unfunded <br />Projects be designated for funding with surplus funds, such as the <br />first seven prior to lowering the tax rate, so that special <br />interest groups would not be allowed to change the priorities <br />specified. <br /> <br />City Manager Spragg stated that estimates are that County-wide <br />the assessed valuation increase could go as high as 24%; that <br />Staff is using 10% and last year it came in at 14%, which was <br />the second lowest of any City in Orange County; and that it would <br />be a disservice to overestimate our revenues. He stated that <br />there are probably four areas that would deserve consideration <br />for use of excess funds: 1) Increase in contingency; 2) Decrease <br />in property tax; 3) Decrease in utility tax; and 4) Unfunded <br />capital projects. <br /> <br />Mayor Evans stated that the consensus among the Council was that <br />they will cooperate with the Chamber of Commerce and the Board <br />of Realtors in an effort to utilize any unanticipated revenues <br />along the lines suggested. <br /> <br />Councilman Bricken suggested that the City make an effort to <br />influence other taxing agencies to lower tax rates so that the <br />total tax rate could be reduced by a significant amount. CA 65 B <br /> <br />RECESS <br /> <br />present. <br /> <br />At 9:42 A.M. the meeting <br />was recessed; at 9:55 A.M. <br />the meeting was reconvened <br />with the same Councilmen <br /> <br />RECREATION & PARKS DEPARTMENT Executive Director of <br />REORGANIZATION Community Services Manuel <br /> Rede briefly reviewed <br /> Phase I of the Reorganiza- <br />tion approved by Council; and he stated that Phase II would <br />continue the effort to decentralize the Department and establish <br />reliable indicators of costs for comparisons of City forces <br />service versus contracted work. He then introduced Robert <br />Gresham, Department Director, who presented the proposed plan <br />for tree maintenance and an organization chart showing the <br />relationships of the various Staff members. Mr. Gresham stated <br />that the Department budget would contain a 1S% increase. <br /> <br />Councilmen asked several questions concerning responsibility for <br />planning, design and acquisition of parks, and field training of <br />personnel. <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 200 JUNE 11, 1977 <br /> <br /> <br />