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CONSENT CALENDAR STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS APPROVED - Continued <br /> <br />COUNCIL REFERRAL <br /> <br />SUMMA RY <br /> <br />Received and filed status <br />report of matters referred <br />to Staff by Council. CA 80.2 <br /> <br />PROCLAMATIONS <br /> <br />* * * * * * * * CONSENT <br /> <br /> Received and filed report of <br /> Proclamations issued by the Mayor <br /> from May 28 to June 13, 1977. <br /> CA 46 <br />CALENDAR FINIS * * * * ~ * * * <br /> <br />VARIANCE 77-16 312 S. MAIN Council continued con- <br />GEORGE VIEBECK, JR. sideration of the following <br />CONTINUED Negative Declaration and <br /> Variance to July 5, 1977, <br />on the unanimously carried 5:0 motion of Councilman Garthe, seconded <br />by Councilman Ortiz: <br /> <br /> VA ??-16 - Filed by George Viebeck, Jr. to allow an exist- <br /> ing addition to a bakery to remain where there is non- <br /> conforming parking; also to allow a bakery parking lot in <br /> the PB District where an existing residence is to remain <br /> at 312 South Main Street in the C2 and PB Districts. <br /> APPROVED Addition - DENIED Parking Lot. (Agenda Item 5 A) <br /> <br />A prior motion to approve and file the Negative Declaration and <br />Planning Commission Finding of Fact by Councilman Ward, seconded <br />by Councilman Brandt, failed to carry on a 3:2 vote, with Council- <br />man Garthe and Mayor Evans dissenting. CA 13 <br /> <br />AGENDA ORDER - FIRE PROTECTION <br />MASTER PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS <br />RECEIVED & REFERRED <br /> <br />seconded by Councilman Ward: <br /> <br />The following action was <br />taken by Council on the <br />unanimously approved 5:0 <br />motion of Councilman Garthe, <br /> <br />1) <br /> <br />Received the proposed Fire Protection Master Plan <br />recommendations as presented by Robert Gallant, Chair- <br />man of the Fire Protection Master Plan Advisory Committee; <br /> <br />2) Extended gratitude to the members for their service and <br /> dissolved the Fire Protection Master Plan Advisory Committee; <br /> <br />3) <br /> <br />Reappointed the Emergency Medical Service Sub-Committee <br />for one year as the Emergency Medical Service Review <br />Committee; members appointed were Mrs. B. Jo Elliott, R.N., <br />Dr. Ray Casciari, M.D., and Mr. Steven Knoblock, Attorney; <br /> <br />4) Forwarded the proposed Fire Protection Master Plan to the <br /> Fire Chief for preparation of report to Council for study. <br /> <br />Prior to the motion Fire Chief B. J. Thompson introduced Mr. Robert <br />Gallant, Chairman of the Committee, who submitted the proposed Fire <br />Protection Master Plan recommendations to the City Council and com- <br />plimented the Committee for having worked responsibly and diligently <br />to make this serious and important contribution to the City. <br /> <br />Committee Subchairmen joining Chairman Gallant in the presentation <br />included Mr. Fred Gillett, Mr. Ed Black, Mrs. B. Jo Elliott, Rev. <br />A. L. Lewter, and Mrs. Sadie Reid. Mrs. Elliott described her work <br />on the Emergency Medical Sub-Committee and stated that during the <br />coming year the Emergency Medical Service Review Committee will be <br />working with Chief Thompson to implement some type of screening and <br />reasonable sound basis on which City dispatchers may rely in respond~ <br />ing to requests for paramedic services. She further stated that <br />the Committee's recommendations would be submitted to the Council <br />for development of a program to make paramedic service demands rele~ <br />vant to both men and equipment. (Agenda Item 58) CA 64.4 <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 207 JUNE 20, 1977 <br /> <br /> <br />