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Councilman Garthe moved to approve tentatively a 10% reduction <br />for the Department of the Clerk of the Council's proposed operat- <br />ing budget of $176,900. The motion was seconded by Councilman <br />Bricken and carried unanimously 6:0. CA 65B <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL BUDGET Councilman Garthe moved <br />20% REDUCTION to approve tentatively <br />TENTATIVELY APPROVED a 20% reduction for the <br /> City Council proposed <br />operating budget of $162,505. The motion was seconded by <br />Councilman Bricken and carried unanimously 6:0. CA 6SB <br /> <br />PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICE Councilman Brandt moved <br />20% REDUCTION to approve tentatively <br />TENTATIVELY APPROVED a 20% reduction for the <br /> P.I.O.'s proposed <br />operating budget of $78,880, to be effected by the elimination <br />of the Typist Clerk I position, and a reduction in the $19,000 <br />allocated for promotional programs (Account #11-042-251). The <br />motion was seconded by Councilman Garthe and carried $:1, with <br />Councilman Yamamoto dissenting. <br /> <br />Prior to the vote on the motion, Councilman Yamamoto stated that <br />he had not been satisfied with the Public Information Office <br />since its establishment; that the program has only helped the <br />Mayor and perhaps a couple of favored Councilmen, but there has <br />been no general overall benefit to the City, nothing construc- <br />tive; that the City needs to communicate with the public and <br />its employees, but the need has not been met. He noted that the <br />Fire Department, Police Department and Museum each has a person <br />assigned to deal with its public relations programs. CA 65B <br /> <br />BUDGET RECAP City Manager Spragg <br />BY CITY MANAGER stated that an estimated <br /> $2,446,000 had been cut <br /> from the operating budgets <br />of the departments. Vice Mayor Ward requested the City Manager <br />to compile a summary of the cuts and how they would be implemented, <br />and their impacts on personnel and service. The City Manager <br />stated that the capital and general revenue sharing programs <br />would also need Council review and he suggested another meeting <br />date be set for that purpose. <br /> <br />ORAL COMMUNICATION' Mr. Robert Ward, Director <br />USE OF ANNEX BY SANTA ANA WINDS of the Santa Ana Winds, <br />REFERRED TO STAFF stated that they have no <br /> budget to cut, and are <br />feeling the pinch of Proposition 13 because a Police Department <br />representative had told him that as of July 1 the group could no <br />longer use the City Hall Annex for practice by the 140 young <br />people who make up the marching band; that their frequent use <br />makes no demands on Staff, not even custodial, since they clean <br />up after themselves, and that in view of their need to practice <br />for forthcoming participation in community parades, he requests <br />an extension of time in which to relocate. <br /> <br />Councilman Brandt's motion, to extend the Santa Ana Winds moving <br />date another week or two until Staff has an opportunity to invest- <br />igate and report to Council on alternatives to the problem at <br />the Council meeting scheduled for July 11, was seconded by Coun- <br />cilman Garthe and carried unanimously 6:0. CA 45.1 <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES '259 JUNE 26, 1978 <br /> <br /> <br />