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A subsequent motion by Councilman Bricken to maintain the <br />bookmobile at its current level of operation to the maximum <br />extent feasible was seconded by Vice Mayor Ward. <br /> <br />An amendment to the motion to restore $10,000 to the depart- <br />ment's budget for the operation was made by Vice Mayor Ward, <br />and seconded by Councilman Bricken. <br /> <br />The amendment and the main motion failed on the following <br />vote (4 affirmative votes required to carry): <br /> <br />AYES: Bricken, Ward, Yamamoto <br /> <br />NOES: Brandt, Ortiz <br /> <br />ABSENT: Evans, Garthe <br /> <br />Mrs. Mickey Madden, 2319 N. Rosewood, <br />think it would be a hardship to come <br /> <br /> stated that she did not <br />to the main library. <br /> CA 65B <br /> <br />PUBLIC iNFORMATION OFFICE Councilman Yamamoto <br />BUDGET RECONSIDERATION stated that in his <br />REJECTED opinion the Public In- <br /> formation Office budget <br />was not justified, and he referred to his memo to Council on <br />the subject dated June 28. He added that the office is a waste <br />of taxpayers' money in its present form. Vice Mayor Ward <br />observed that the PlO budget had been reduced by 20 per cent, <br />and that there was no other member of Council who supported <br />Councilman Yamamoto's position. CA 6SB <br /> <br />SALARY INCREASES Councilman Bricken moved <br />DELETED FROM COUNCIL'S to fund all departments <br />CONTINGENCY FUND budget account numbers <br /> 111, 131, 141 and 841, <br />Salaries, Regular and Temporary, Overtime and Employees Insurance, <br />respectively, at their 1977-78 level. Councilman Ortiz seconded <br />the motion. <br /> <br />A lengthy discussion followed, during which Councilman Bricken <br />stated that there is 2 million dollars in the budget proposed <br />to be added to the subject accounts for this year automatically; <br />and that if the accounts are funded at the 1977-78 level, there <br />would be a 2 million dollar savings for the year. He stated <br />that in his judgment the City is faced with a situation where <br />Council must pause in its growth curve to reexamine what the <br />implications are of the entire cost structure and that his motion <br />will accomplish that. <br /> <br />The City Manager pointed out that the motion would require a <br />reduction in salaries and benefits and did not represent just <br />a "holding of the line", and he reminded Council of its 90-day <br />moratorium placed on salaries, wages and fringe benefits last <br />Saturday. <br /> <br />Councilman Brandt stated that what is budgeted in the subject <br />accounts is money to meet the City's obligations under the <br />Memoranda of Understanding that were negotiated with the employees <br />representatives two years ago; and that the motion would consti- <br />tute a reduction of salaries, wages and benefits, the very same <br />proposal on which the moratorium was placed last week by Council. <br /> <br />Councilman Bricken explained that the intent of his motion is to <br />continue the accounts at the June, 1978 level and not to go <br />backward or forward from that amount. <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br /> <br />268 JULY 1, 1978 <br /> <br /> <br />