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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />in the Resolution hereinafter mentioned. This Bond does not <br />constitute an indebtedness within the meaning of any <br />constitutional or statutory debt limitation or restriction. <br />Neither the members of the Agency nor any persons executing <br />this Bond are liable personally on this Bond by reason of its <br />issuance. <br /> <br />This Bond is one of a duly authorized issue of Bonds <br />of the Agency designated "City of Santa Ana Community <br />Redevelopment A~ency, Santa Ana South Harbor Boulevard/Fairview <br />Street Redevelopment Project, Tax Allocation Bonds, 1985 <br />Series C" (herein called the "Bonds"), in an aggregate <br />principal amount of $13,650,000, all of like tenor (except for <br />bond numbers and amounts) and all of which have been issued <br />pursuant to and in full conformity with the Constitution and <br />laws of the State of California and particularly the Community <br />Redevelopment Law (Part 1 of Division 24 of the Health and <br />Safety Code of the State of California) for the purpose of <br />aiding in the financing of the Redevelopment Project referred <br />to above and are authorized by and issued pursuant to <br />Resolution No. 85-55, adopted by the Agency on December 3, 1985 <br />(the Resolution being herein referred to as the "Resolution"). <br />Copies of the Resolution are on file with the Secretary of the <br />Agency and the Fiscal Agent. All of the Bonds are equally <br />secured in accordance with the terms of the Resolution, <br />reference to which is hereby made for a specific description of <br />the security provided for the Bonds, for the nature, extent and <br />manner of enforcement of such security, for the covenants and <br />agreements made for the benefit of the Bondowners, and for a <br />statement of the rights of the Bondowners. By the acceptance <br />of this Bond the registered owner hereof consents to all of the <br />terms, conditions and provisions of the Resolution. In the <br />manner provided in the Resolution, the Resolution and the <br />rights and obligations of the Agency and of the Bondowners may <br />(with certain exceptions as stated in the Resolution) be <br />modified or amended with the consent of the Owners of fifty <br />percent (50%) in aggregate principal amount of outstanding <br />Bonds, exclusive of issuer-owned Bonds, unless the modification <br />or amendment is for the purpose of curing ambiguities, defects, <br />or accomplishing the other purposes set forth in the Resolution <br />in which case no Bondowners' consent is required. <br /> <br />The principal of this Bond and the interest on it are <br />secured by an irrevocable pledge of, and are payable solely out <br />of, the Tax Revenues (as that term is defined in the <br />Resolution) and certain other funds, all as more particularly <br />set forth in the Resolution, including, in the event of <br />default, the draws upon a certain letter of credit issued by <br />Swiss Bank Corporation referred to in the Resolution (the <br />"Initial Letter of Credit"). The Resolution is adopted under <br />and this Bond is issued under and is to be construed in <br />accordance with the laws of the State of California. <br /> <br />12-02-85 <br />9563p/2281/01 <br /> <br />A-2 <br />