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MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR ~EETING <br /> OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE <br /> CITY OF SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA <br /> <br />April 27, 1979 <br /> <br />The meeting was informally called to order at the Bowers Memorial ~seum, <br />2002 North ~in Street, at 7:20 p.m. Council members present were Gordon <br />Bricken, Daniel E. Griset, Robert W. Luxembourger, J. Ogden Markel, Mayor <br />James E. Ward, and Marry K. Yamamoto. Councilman Al Serrate was absent. <br />Members of the Bowers Museum Board Ann Andres, Ross Crane, and Chairm~n <br />Everett Parks, staff members City Manager/Acting Clerk of the Council <br />B. J. Thonrpson, Museum Director Reilly P. Rhodes, Deputy Clerk of the <br />Council Martha Lee, and a representative of the press were also present. <br /> <br />WELCO~ BY CHAIRMAN PARKS Chairman Everett Parks welcomed <br />BOWERS MUSEUMBOARD the Council and introduced the <br /> other Board members present. He <br /> stated that the purpose of the <br />meeting was to review the proposed Museum Expansion Program and an ambitious <br />five-year plan for Museum management and operations. <br /> <br />MUSEUM EXPANSION PROGRAM & ~seumDirector Rhodes presented a <br />FIVE-YEAREXPANSIONPLAN slide program illustrating Museum <br /> collections, special exhibits, <br /> conmatmity service activities, and <br />acconrplishments, and a projection of immediate goals and long-range <br />expansion plans. <br /> <br />Following the slide presentation, Mr. Rhodes outlined problems.the ~hseum <br />staff has encountered in obtaining cooperation and leadership from the <br />County of Orange for the proposed Muse~n expansion to a sizable County <br />conmmunity ~maseum, serving people from all walks of life. He spoke of the <br />responsibility of the Museum as a tax-supported institution to respond <br />dynamically to the needs of society in general, to provide not only the <br />enjoyment of art, but also "something happening" in the cormnunity that <br />will affect people and make a difference in their lives, and of the <br />conm~nity need for this kind of constructive social service. <br /> <br />The possibility of obtaining corporate grants was explored during the <br />general discussion of the ten-point "Bowers Museum Goals and Objectives <br />for Fiscal Year 1979-80" outline prepared by the Museum Director and <br />Board, and each Councilman present expressed enthusiasm and support for <br />the immediate objectives and the proposed long-range plan in concept. <br />The general consensus of Council was to request that the Director submit <br />a formal report and recommendation for Council action at a future meeting. <br /> <br />City M~nager Thompson suggested that a feasibility report should be included <br />to address anticipated in~nediate costs to the City and proposed long-term <br />operating expenses, in addition to plant expansion and display. <br /> <br />The need for appointment of newMuseum Board members to fill existing <br />vacancies was also discussed. Councilman Markel was informally delegated <br />to act as Council liaison to the ~seum, Museum Board, and County of Orange. <br /> <br />Chairman Parks and Board members thanked the Councilmen for their <br />enthusiastic interest in the expansion proposal. <br /> <br />ADJOUR~VY2~F <br /> <br />The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 <br />p.m. by unanimous informal consent. <br /> <br />-B. ~ TH(RMPSON <br /> ACTING CLERK OF THE COUNCIL <br /> <br />CITY COUMCIL MINUTES 139 April 27, 1979 <br /> <br /> <br />