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ORAL COMM - SERRATO Councilman Serrato related <br />EX 73-27 - 1631-1633 S STANDARD it had been brought to his <br />SET FOR PUBLIC HEARING 2/2/81 attention that EX 73-27 <br /> (revocation of minor excep- <br /> tion, 1631-1633 S. Standard, <br />Coco's Bar) brought before Council January 19, 1981, had been continued <br />to later in the meeting the same date; however, the parties involved <br />misunderstood, and felt Council had continued the item to another day. <br /> <br />MOTION made by Serrato, seconded by Luxe~ourger, to reconsider the <br />matter, passed on the following vote: <br /> <br />AYES: <br /> <br />NOES: <br />ABSENT: <br /> <br />Bricken, Griset, Luxembourger, Markel, Serrato, Ward, <br /> Yamamoto <br />None <br />None <br /> <br />MOTION was then made by Serrato, seconded by Luxembourger to set <br />the matter for public hearing on March 2, 1981. <br /> <br />AYES: Bricken, Griset, Luxe~ourger, Markel, Serrato, Ward, <br /> Yamamoto <br />NOES: None /~ <br />ABSENT: None CA 13.2 <br /> <br />ORAL COMM - CITY MANAGER The City Manager provided <br />CATV FRANCHISE SCHEDULE Council with a proposed CATV <br /> Franchise schedule, and stated <br /> that he would proceed with <br />implementation of said schedule if Council had no objections. <br /> <br />UNAUTHORIZED USE OF Councilman Yamamoto requested <br />CITY SEAL - CA INSTRUCTED the City Attorney write a <br /> letter notifying Storer Cable <br /> TV of their violation of the <br />SAMC by using the City Seal without Council's approval. <br /> <br />ORAL COMM - YAMAMOTO In response to the request <br />NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH SIGNS dated January 12, 1981, from <br />REFERRED TO STAFF the Community Oriented Policing <br /> Association relative to funds <br />for signs to be placed throughout the City promoting the COP Program, <br />MOTION was made by Yaman)Yco, seconded by Ward to refer the matter to staff. <br /> <br />AYES: <br /> <br />NOES: <br />ABSENT: <br /> <br />Bricken, Griset, Luxembourger, Markel, Serrato, Ward, <br />Yamamoto <br />None j <br />None CA 47 <br /> <br />ORAL COMM - MARKEL <br />MCKAY GARMENT INDUSTRIES <br />REFERRED TO STAFF <br /> <br />Mr. Markel presented Council <br />with photographs depicting various <br />zoning violations at 1606 South <br />Main. <br /> <br />MOTION was made by Yamamoto, seconded by Ward, to refer the matter to staff <br />for enforcement of the violations, and to report to Council concerning the <br />matter on February 17, 1981. <br /> <br />AYES: Bricken, Griset, Luxembourger, Markel, Serrato, Ward, <br /> Yamamoto <br />NOES: None ~ <br />ABSENT: None CA 10 <br /> <br />EXECUTIVE SESSION At 4:56 p.m. Council recessed <br />DINNER RECESS to Executive Session, and <br />RECONVENED returned at 5:27 p.m., and <br /> immediately recessed to dinner <br />with the Bowers Memorial Museum Board members at Nieuport 17, 1615 East <br />Seventeenth Street. <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 45 FEBRUARY 2, 1981 <br /> <br /> <br />