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MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING <br /> OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />OF THE CITY OF SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA <br /> <br />May 3, 1982 <br /> <br />The meeting was called to order by Mayor Gordon Bricken at 1:16 p.m. in <br />Room 147, Council Chambers, 22 Civic Center Plaza. Councilmembers pres- <br />ent were John Acosta, R. W. Luxembourger, Patri¢ia A. McGuigan, and <br />Mayor Gordon Bricken. Also present were City Manager A. J. Wilson, City <br />Attorney Edward J. Cooper and Clerk of the Council Janice C. Guy. <br />Councilmember Alfred C. Serrato joined the meeting at 1:24 p.m. Council- <br />members Daniel E. Griset and J. Ogden Markel were absent. <br /> <br />ORANGE COUNTY MASS TRANSIT SYSTEM The City Manager provided an <br />COUNCIL STUDY SESSION update of the discussions from <br /> the quarterly meetings which <br /> had taken place between the <br />Orange County Transit District and communities which are involved in the <br />proposed Rapid Mass Transit System for Orange County. He then outlined <br />both the east-west and the north-south routes and possible alternatives, <br />explaining that in all likelihood, due to its central location, Santa <br />Aha would be involved during the initial construction period. <br /> <br />The Transportation Director discussed technologies and design of the <br />system, stating that the east-west route would be a surface route and <br />the north-south, elevated. He reported that construction is anticipated <br />to begin in 1987, with the system operational in 1988. He also mentioned <br />that the imposition of a local tax could result in the initiation of <br />construction at a considerably earlier date. <br /> <br />The City Manager encouraged the Council to endorse the efforts of the <br />Orange County Transit District to secure federal funding for county <br />transportation projects. <br /> <br />The Council recessed at 1:55 p.m., and reconvened in the Council Chambers <br />at 2:02 p.m., with the same members present. <br /> <br />PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE <br />INVOCATION <br /> <br />Following the Pledge of <br />Allegiance to the Flag, the <br />Invocation was given by <br />Councilmember McGuigan. <br /> <br />CONSENT CALENDAR <br />ITEMS REMOVED <br /> <br />Items 2E, 4, 5B, 5F, 5H, <br />12A, 14, 15, 16B and 18A <br />were taken off the Consent <br />Calendar. Councilmember <br />Serrato registered a no <br />vote on items 18B, 10C, 18D and <br />18E. <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 135 MAY 3, 1982 <br /> <br /> <br />