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ORAL COMMUNICATION <br />ROBERT WARD - SA WINDS <br />STADIUM USE REQUEST <br />APPROVED <br /> <br />Robert L. Ward, Director of the <br />Santa Ana Winds, addressed Council <br />and requested certain concessions <br />relative use of the Santa Ana Stadium <br />for the California Band Review. <br /> <br />Following discussion, MOTION was made by Bricken, seconded by Griset, to <br />approve the following: <br /> <br />1) <br /> <br />Controlled use of Eddie West Field - Santa <br />Ana Stadium by the Santa Ana Winds' California <br />Band Review between the hours of 1:00 and <br />and 5:00 p.m., Friday, November 26, 1982, for <br />field band competition and trophy presentation, <br />and waive fees for said use; <br /> <br />2) Concession rights in the Stadium parking lot <br /> up to 10:00 a.m.; <br /> <br />3) <br /> <br />Authorization of the Director of Recreation, <br />Parks and Community Services, or his designee <br />to cancel permission granted in #1 above, for <br />field band competition, if this use, as the <br />result of weather conditions, would damage <br />the field surface; and <br /> <br />4) <br /> <br />Provision by the Santa Ana Winds to the City of <br />a PL/PD insurance policy or certificate of <br />insurance under an existing policy to cover <br />this activity, as part of the normal Stadium <br />Tenant requirements. <br /> <br />AYES: <br />NOES: <br />ABSENT: <br /> <br />Acosta, Bricken, Griset, Luxembourger, Markel, McGuigan <br />Serrato <br />None CA 52.8 <br /> <br />ORAL COMMUNICATION Wallace Davis, 540 North Golden <br /> Circle Drive, requested that <br /> Council reconsider the alcoholic <br /> beverage license application for <br />his client, Tony Shobeiri, 1222 E. First Street. No action was taken. <br /> CA 146 <br /> <br />RES. NO. 82-138 <br />IMMIGRATION REFORM <br />& CONTROL <br />ADOPTED <br /> <br />follow "employer job screening:" <br /> <br />Following discussion, MOTION <br />was made by McGuigan, seconded <br />by Markel, to adopt the following <br />resolution adding the words <br />"for newly hired employees" to <br /> <br />RESOLUTION NO. 82-138 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY <br />COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA ANA URGING THE <br />NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES TO SUPPORT IMMIGRATION <br />REFORM AND CONTROL. <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br /> <br />348 <br /> <br />OCTOBER 4, 1982 <br /> <br /> <br />