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<br />Ma~ 06 04 01'42p <br />B~/"o/2Be4 11:15 858519"822 <br /> <br />".:3 <br /> <br />FITNESS AND wELLNESS <br /> <br />PI\GE 03/03 <br />p.2 <br /> <br />Me. 04 0 07'54.. <br /> <br />-- ~ <br />" <br /> <br />ADOlTlONi\L INSUll.ED ENDORSEMENT <br />FOR COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILlT'{ POLICY <br /> <br />\~ <br />\ <br />'. <br /> <br />\ <br /> <br />-Utelctf ~ I~,(!JJ, <br />b,surance CompllllY _" _... ... <br /> <br />This ~ors.menl modifi., .ll<. insol1\flce.. i$ alTorded by the provistons of !'olicy <br />~ i:OLQPll,l.3;;l;'7-00rclalinglo Ihe following: <br />~f'\~","'O..: 04II1D'a <br />I TW'CIty'1l1'S!M,i?lffi:llr{;1'ii~ C!I\llII'1'1tn."S'lftUl NIl, '{;,;lillilMimm: \_ <br />QlTic..s. employee.. 'gents. volunrc:ers and r01lrescnralives are named as addition"1 insureds <br />("addilionalI1lWro:\s") with regard 10 hobility a/,d defcnscof ,oiLS arising from the operillions <br />3l1d uses perfOrmed by or l)(I he!t;.lf ol'lh. namcd in....<d. <br />...-- --, <br />2. With respecl to tlailm ."sing 001 of,he operations and uses p!:l'fonned by or on <br />bch.lfoftllc named insuroo, such ins\lfllllce a. is alTolded by Ih" policy IS pllm:ll'Y and is nol <br />.ddillonnllo or contributing \lIith any other insur.lllce carried lIy or for Ihe bCJ10fil nf Ih~ <br />additional insureds. <br /> <br />3 ThIS lnsUl'iIJ\(e ~ppliec cepiU'.tcly to each Insured ,~in!t whom claIm IS made or <br />$\lit is brought except with rcspecl 10 lhe company'.limilS ofhability. The inelUsiOf or any <br />pcrson or orgalllzation a. an insured sholl no' affoet any nghl which such person oro,""niz,';on <br />would \la.e ... a claimsnt ifll". so included. <br /> <br />~. With re5lW<\ 10 the additional in.ureds. Ihls Insurance shall nol be cancen.d. or <br />materially reduteel in coverase or limits .XCqll aft.r thirty (30) d,y' wlitten notice has been <br />given to the City DfSanta Ana, 20 Civic Cenl.. Plua. Santa An.. Califortlia 91101 <br /> <br />(Complellon of II", following, including coantcnignature. i, reqUired 10 m'~e IhiHnd(lnement <br />effective.) <br /> <br />fli. '3/ [/ loor - '2.JII JOB <br />E cell'e . IhlS end<merncnt fonn as a part of <br />Policy # e1>I- "I01!l~;,;r., CElU" it> '04-1~ <br />Issued to ~'2:. F. $1L....p.. <br /> <br />'~ r! l~ <br /> <br />CQuntersigned <br />Authorized Represelllative <br /> <br />?fJfKc~ "17 2/2 <br />