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<br />Attachment A <br /> <br />Appendix A - Authorized Equipment List, Continued <br /> <br />8. Terrorism Incident Prevention Equipment (Terrorism Early Warning, Prevention and <br />Deterrence Equipment and Technologies) - State and local emergency preparedness, <br />prevention and response agencies will increasingly rely on the integration of emerging <br />technologies and equipment to improve jurisdictional capabilities to deter and prevent terrorist <br />incidents. This includes, but is not limited to, equipment and associated components that <br />enhance a jurisdiction's ability to disseminate advanced warning information to prevent a <br />terrorist incident or disrupt a terrorist's ability to carry out the event, including information <br />sharing, threat recognition and public/private sector collaboration. <br /> <br />Sub Cate 0 <br /> <br />Equipment and <br />echnolo ies <br /> <br />Equipment and <br />echnolo 'es <br /> <br />Equipment and <br />Technolo ies <br /> <br />Equipment and <br />echn610 ies <br /> <br />Equipment and <br />ecbnolo ies <br /> <br />Equipment and <br />echnoloies <br /> <br /> <br />Descrl lion <br /> <br />ata collection/information atherin software <br /> <br /> <br />ata thesis software <br /> <br /> <br />software <br /> <br />Geo a hie Information S stem information technolo and software <br /> <br />aw enforcement surveillance ui ment <br /> <br />lert Notification S stems <br /> <br /> <br />ees for use of databases containin terrorist threat information <br /> <br />GIS lotter software and rinters <br /> <br />ardware, software and internet-based systems that allow for information exchange and <br />dissemination <br /> <br />Joint Re ional Information Exchan e S stem JRlES <br /> <br />Continued on next page <br /> <br />FY04 Urban Areas Security Initiative <br /> <br />Page 48 <br />