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<br />a. Location of Parking. Required off-street parking shall be <br />provided. When parking is provided on a site of different <br />ownership, a recorded document shall be approved and filed <br />with the City of Santa Ana, Planning Division, and signed <br />by the owners of the parking site, stipulating to the <br />reservation of use of the site for said parking. <br /> <br />b. Joint Use of Parking. Two or more office or commercial <br />uses may jointly develop and utilize required parking <br />facilities if approved by the Planning Division. Parking <br />requirements for each individual use may be reduced through <br />City of Santa Ana (i.e. no compact stalls) as of the date <br />of adoption with regard to surfacing, marking, grading, <br />lighting, walls, circulation, parking dimensions, and <br />layout. Landscaping requirements will be in accordance <br />with this Specific Development Plan. <br /> <br />c. Off-Street Parking Plan/Site Plan. A parking plan <br />submitted for all projects requiring more than ten <br />spaces, unless off-street parking facilities are <br />provided. <br /> <br />will be <br />parking <br />already <br /> <br />The required number of off-street spaces may be reduced <br />commensurate with the specific type of use and demonstrated <br />hourly parking demand upon approval by the Zoning <br />Administrator. For off - street parking plan areas which <br />contain 500 or more parking spaces, a twenty (20) percent <br />reduction may be permitted for required off-street parking, <br />subj ect to approval by the Zoning Administrator. This <br />percentage is based upon representative factors for land <br />use as provided by the Urban Land institute's (ULI) shared <br />parking study. <br /> <br />The required number of off-street spaces provided may be <br />further modified contingent upon implementation of a <br />transportation demand management plan for Lake Center, and <br />based upon the results of a verified transportation study, <br />subject to approval by the Planning Division. <br /> <br />d. Number of Required Off-Street <br />of off-street parking spaces <br />project area are as follows: <br /> <br />Spaces. <br />to be <br /> <br />The minimum number <br />provided within the <br /> <br />Medical and Dental. <br />space for each 200 <br />whichever is greater. <br /> <br />Six spaces <br />square feet <br /> <br />for each doctor or one <br />of gross floor area, <br /> <br />Professional and Business Offices. One space for each <br />333 1/3 square feet of gross floor area. <br /> <br />75A@20 <br />