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MINUTF~ OF THE ADJO~ P4~3LAR MEETING <br /> OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br /> SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA <br /> <br />July 23, 1983 <br /> <br />The meeting was called to order at 9:16 a.m., in Room 147, Council <br />Chambers, 22 Civic Center Plaza, by Mayor R. W. Luxembourger. <br />Councilmembers present were John Acosta, Gordon Bricken, Daniel E. Griset, <br />P. Lee Johnson, Patricia A. McGuigan, Dan Young, and Mayor R. W. <br />Luxe~bourger. Also present were City Manager A. J. Wilson, City Attorney <br />Edward J. Cooper, Clerk of the Council Janice C. Guy, and n~nagement staff <br />members, Phil Freeland, Allen E. Doby, Sam Johnson, James Swatzel, William <br />Reimer, Agnes Sayers, Ray Davis, Larry Shaffer, and D~] Stone, as wall as <br />members of the local press. <br /> <br />1983-84ANh~JALB[DGET <br /> <br />The City Manager updated the Council relative to the iapacts of the State <br />budget upon the City of Santa Ana, explaining tb~t all State aid to local <br />government bad been eliminated, which would result in an anticipated $3 <br />million shortfall for the City during FY 1983-84. He indicated that two <br />possible sources for funding to eliminate this shortfall would be an <br />increase in the property tax to fund the City's existing pension debt, or <br />an increase in the utility tax from three percent to six percent. He <br />recommended the utility tax as the preferred source of increased revenues <br />since any increase in the property tax would be shared with other <br />government agencies, but that all revenues derived from the utility tax <br />would revert to Santa Ana. The Manager noted that this increase did not <br />have to be implemented immediately, but suggested that the utility <br />companies be alerted since a 60-day lead time was required to ~ke the tax <br />operational, and stated that should the City need this revenue, the tax <br />should be in force by November 1. He also stated that in his opinion, <br />additional actions would be taken by the State Legislature when it <br />returned to session in August, and that should the Legislature enact an <br />increase to the sales tax, the need for increased local revenues for S~ta <br />Ana would be obviated. <br /> <br />Councilmember Bricken suggested that Santa Ana look for a local solution <br />to its financial problems rather than relying upon the State, and <br />recommended that the Council place a measure for a paramedic or public <br />safety tax on the December 13 election ballot. The Manager explained <br />that if this action were taken and public safety identified as a special <br />purpose activity, there might be difficulty in the future of using general <br />funds for an identified special purpose activity. <br /> <br />Councilmember Johnson expressed concern with raising taxes at all, <br />suggested that the citizens were dissatisfied with present tax levels and <br />would not tolerate additional taxes, and reflected that he was against <br />using public safety as a "shield" to raise taxes. <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 244 JULY 23, 1983 <br /> <br /> <br />