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<br />. <br /> <br />MacArthur Place South Findings and Facts in Support of Findings <br />Environmental Impact Report <br /> <br />the Planning Manager that an FAA "No Hazard" determination has been obtained for the <br />operation of the cranes. The project developer shall demonstrate compliance with any <br />conditions imposed by the FAA for this determination. <br /> <br />Level of Significance ofImpacts Related to Aviation <br /> <br />The adverse impacts of the MacArthur Place South project related to aviation would be mitigated <br />to below a level of significance based on the implementation of project enhancement measures <br />AV-I, A V-2, AV-3 and A V-4, provided above. <br /> <br />4.2.3 Impacts Related to Geology and Soils <br /> <br />Potentiallv Significant Adverse Impacts Related to Geologv and Soils <br /> <br />As discussed in Section 5.4 in the ErR, the MacArthur Place South project site is subject to <br />constraints that could affect the geotechnical stability of the project. <br /> <br />Findings Related to Geologv and Soil Impacts <br /> <br />Mitigation Measures and/or project enhancement measures have been incorporated into the <br />project, which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect as identified in <br />the EIR. <br /> <br />. Facts in Support of the Finding Related to Geologv and Soil Impacts <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Implementation of mitigation measures G-I, G-2, G-3, G-4, G-5, G-6, G-7 and G-8 would <br />substantially lessen the adverse impacts of the MacArthur Place South project related to geologic <br />and soil constraints on the project site, and would reduce this potentially significant adverse <br />impact to below a level of significance. <br /> <br />G-I During grading operations special handling of on-site soils shall be required, due to the <br />high moisture content of the soils, which is well above optimum moisture conditions. The <br />City of Santa Ana shall monitor the grading contractor to ensure stabilization of the soils <br />during grading prior to placing and compacting fill soils over wet sub-grade soils, as <br />recommended in the geotechnical investigation prepared by Geotechnical Professionals, <br />Inc. <br /> <br />G-2 Prior to issuance of building permits, the project developer shall ensure that pile <br />foundations are incorporated into the project design to mitigate the potential settlement <br />hazards beneath the proposed buildings. Pile foundations shall be installed according to <br />the recommendations provided in the project geotechnical report. <br /> <br />G-3 Prior to issuance of building permits, the project developer shall ensure that the <br />subterranean portion of the structures is designed and installed to resist hydrostatic <br />pressure and be a water- proof barrier between the existing soils and subterranean portions <br />of the buildings. This design and installation shall be consistent with the recommendations <br /> <br />Exhibit B <br />Page 17 of38 <br /> <br />Page 17 <br />