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<br />23. Prior to the issuance of building permits, a Final Landscape Plan for each <br />building component of the project shall be approved by the City of Santa <br />Ana Planning and Building Agency. The Final Landscape Plan shall be <br />based on the conceptual landscape plan included in the EIR. <br /> <br />24. Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy Permits, the required <br />landscaping for each building component of the project shall be installed <br />to the satisfaction of the City of Santa Ana Planning Department. <br /> <br />25. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the project developer shall <br />provide the Planning Manager plans that incorporate lighting and any <br />other conditions in the manner required by the FAA during the <br />construction phase (e.g. for the cranes) and after completion. <br /> <br />26. Pursuant to state law, prior to issuance of a certificate of a use and <br />occupancy permit, the project proponent shall provide evidence to the City <br />of Santa Ana that a Notice of Airport in the vicinity has been recorded on <br />the deed for each residential unit and shall remain so recorded so as long <br />as the airport is in operation. <br /> <br />27. As required by the AELUP, prior to issuance of the certificate of use and <br />occupancy, the City shall ensure that the sales office for the residential <br />unit posts a conspicuous sign informing potential buyers to the presence <br />of the airport. The notice shall be in the same language as the need <br />notice. <br /> <br />28. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the project developer shall <br />provide evidence to the Planning Manager that an FAA "NO Hazard" <br />determination has been secured for the operation of the construction <br />cranes. The project developer shall demonstrate compliance with any <br />conditions imposed by the FAA. <br /> <br />29. During construction, the contractor shall be required to comply with <br />SCAQMD Fugitive Dust Rule 403 to suppress dust generated by <br />construction operations. To ensure compliance with SCAQMD Fugitive <br />Dust Rule 403, grading plans and demolition plans for the proposed <br />project shall reflect the following notes: <br /> <br />. All materials excavated or graded shall be sufficiently watered to <br />prevent excessive amounts of dust. Watering with complete <br />coverage shall occur at least twice daily, once in the late morning and <br />once after work is done for the day. <br /> <br />. All clearing and earthwork activities shall cease during periods of high <br />winds (winds greater than 25 mph averaged over one hour) or during <br />Stage 1 or Stage 2 smog episodes. <br /> <br />Exhibit "A" <br />Page 4 of 15 <br />