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<br />Mr. Enrique Legaspi <br />February 9, 2005 <br />Page 3 <br /> <br />1. application of City code requirements (which typically treat each use in the <br />mixed-use center as a "stand alone" use at maximum demand); and <br />2. application of shared parking usage patterns by time-of-day (which recognizes <br />that the parking demand for each land use component varies by time of day, <br />day of week, and/or month of year). <br /> <br />The shared parking methodology is certainly applicable to Santa Ana Downtown <br />Plaza, as the individual land uses (i.e., retail, restaurant, and office uses) experience <br />peak demands at different times of the day. <br /> <br />PARKING CODE REQUIREMENTS <br /> <br />To determine the number of parking spaces required to support the parking needs of the <br />existing and proposed uses at Santa Ana Downtown Plaza, parking demand was first <br />calculated using the City of Santa Ana Zoning Code. As mentioned previously, City <br />parking code requirements typically treat each individual use in the commercial center <br />as a "stand alone" use at maximum demand, as opposed to an integrated part of the <br />commercial center. <br /> <br />The City of Santa Ana specifies a parking ratio of 5 spaces per 1,000 SF of <br />retail/commercial uses, 6 spaces per 1,000 SF for medical office uses, and 10 spaces <br />per 1,000 SF for restaurant uses. <br /> <br />Table 2 summarizes the parking requirements for the existing and proposed uses at <br />Santa Ana Downtown Plaza using the above parking code ratios. As shown, direct <br />application of City parking ratios to the proposed development plan results in a total <br />parking requirement of 596 parking spaces. <br /> <br />With a proposed on-site parking supply of 505 parking spaces, a theoretical parking <br />deficiency of 91 spaces is forecast. However, as previously mentioned, there is an <br />opportunity to share parking spaces based on the utilization profile of each land use <br />component. The following section calculates the parking requirements of the proposed <br />project based on the shared parking methodology approach. <br /> <br />THEORETICAL SHARED PARKING ANALYSIS <br /> <br />In order to better forecast the future parking demand for Santa Ana Downtown Plaza, <br />a theoretical shared parking analysis was prepared. Due to the unique characteristics <br />of the project's mixed-use development, opportunities for shared parking can be <br />expected. <br /> <br />N.'.2'fiO'.2<)42S'il\Report\259! Fam", Expan,i,," Shared rarking ,\nalysiS 02-il'}-05~ 181 5 <br /> <br />