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RFP 05-051 <br />2.2 Acceptance of Proposals: The City reserves the right to reject any proposals and to waive <br />any informality, technical defect or clerical error in any proposal, as the City may deem <br />prudent. <br />2.3 Oral Communications: Any oral communications by any City employee concerning the <br />RFP are not binding on the City and shall in no way modify the RFP or any obligation to <br />the City or the Proposer. <br />2.4 RFP as Basis for Proposal: This RFP represents the most definitive statement the City <br />shall make concerning the information upon which the proposals are based. Any <br />additional information, whether written or oral, which is not contained in this RFP, or in <br />Addenda to the RFP, should not be considered by any Proposers in preparing their <br />proposals. <br />Any person contemplating the submission of a proposal shall have thoroughly examined <br />all of the RFP documents. If there is any doubt as to the meaning or intent of these <br />documents, the Proposer shall request clarification in writing as to the interpretation of <br />the language or issue in question to: Heather Heider, City of Santa Ana, Police <br />Department M-96, P.O. Box 1981, Santa Ana, CA 92702, at least one (1) week prior to <br />the deadline for receipt of proposals. Requests for clarification shall be received no later <br />that May 3151, 2005, 5:00 p.m. A mandatory pre-bid meeting will take place May 25, <br />2005, 10:00 a.m. at the Santa Ana Police Department, 60 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, <br />California, 92702, Fourth Floor Training room A. All proposers wishing to submit a <br />proposal must attend this meeting. The City may modify this RFP prior to the date fixed <br />for submission of proposals by issuance of Addenda to all Proposers who have been <br />furnished with the RFP. Any interpretation or change in the RFP shall be made in writing <br />in the form of Addenda to the RFP and will be furnished to all Proposers receiving the <br />RFP. <br />