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of Santa Ana <br />AVL -EWIp Unit <br />Rxpo . <br />GPS <br />M��MY• 8.vMC1, <br />Pd, On <br />UPS He <br />©� [oa0000u <br />Exhibit C -3 Statement of Work <br />CA s — <br />Un,l LweGOn <br />Um.,,R menaemry <br />��u wpadnra. <br />Figure 1. CAD Server /AVL Server Process Flow <br />2.5.2 AVL Server Features <br />❖ Receives unit location information: The AVL Server listens for messages describing <br />the current location of the vehicle originating from the Message Switch. <br />❖ Distributes vehicle locations to ATM applications: When a vehicle location is <br />received for a unit that belongs to the ATM operator's coverage area, AVL Server <br />notifies the ATM application of the unit's new location for graphic display in the <br />ATM. <br />❖ Stores vehicle location history in a database. AVL Server stores the following in a <br />Microsoft SQL Server database: date and time each vehicle location record is <br />received, vehicle ID, vehicle status, and assigned incident number (if applicable). <br />System Administrators can write SQL queries to access and archive information from <br />the database. Motorola also offers AVL Playback that provides a graphical interface to <br />display the historical location coordinates of selected units using the ATM map <br />display. <br />Exhibit C -3, Statement of Work Page C3 - 52 05/2/05 <br />CN: 05 -17505 <br />This document contains Motorola and Motorola confidential, proprietary, and trade secret information and may not be shared with any <br />person or agency not directly associated with the City of Santa Ana without the express written consent of Motorola, Inc., or its <br />designees. <br />