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of Santa Ana <br />Exhibit C -3 Statement of Work <br />At the termination of the search, the recommendation is returned to the CAD Client. <br />Depending upon the number of units in an area and the number of units required for <br />the recommendation, the AVL search may take several seconds to complete. To avoid <br />slowing the dispatch process by the AVL search, the CAD Incident Dispatch <br />Recommendation form provides the standard CAD -based recommendation data when <br />it is first displayed. Once the ATM has provided a recommendation list, the form is <br />updated to reflect the availability of AVL recommendation data. The user then has the <br />ability to use a hot -key combination to toggle to the AVL -based recommendation. <br />Another key combination will return to the CAD -based recommendation. <br />The form below is displayed on an AVL- equipped CAD Client workstation. <br />Figure 3. Typical Fire Incident Dispatch Recommendation Form <br />Once ATM has completed the search, the Dispatch Incident — Units Recommended <br />form is updated. The text "(AVL)" is added after the recommendation list (displayed <br />below), and indicates that AVL -based recommendation data is available. The hot -key <br />combination provides quick data access. When the AVL -based recommendation is <br />available, the CAD Client generates an audit record, reflecting that data. <br />Figure 4. Typical Fire Incident Dispatch Recommendation Form <br />Exhibit C -3, Statement of Work Page C3 - 55 05/2/05 <br />CN: 05 -17505 <br />This document contains Motorola and Motorola confidential, proprietary, and trade secret information and may not be shared with any <br />person or agency not directly associated with the City of Santa Ana without the express written consent of Motorola, Inc., or its <br />designees. <br />