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MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT AGREEMENT NO. SA IFAIM <br />Exhibit B SUPPORT PLAN <br />This Support Plan is a Statement of Work that provides a description of the support to be <br />performed. <br />1. Services Provided. The Services provided are based on the Severity Levels as defined <br />herein. Each Severity Level defines the actions that will be taken by Seller for Response Time, <br />Target Resolution Time, and Resolution Procedure for reported errors. Because of the urgency <br />involved, Response Times for Severity Levels 1 and 2 are based upon voice contact by <br />Customer, as opposed to written contact by facsimile or letter. Resolution Procedures are based <br />upon Seller's procedures for Service as described below. <br />1 otal System Failure - occurs when the System elephone esolve within <br />is not functioning and there is no workaround; onference within 1 4 hours of <br />such as a Central Server is down or when the our of initial voice lotification itial <br />workflow of an entire agency is not otification <br />2 <br />Critical Failure - Critical process failure occurs <br />Telephone <br />Resolve within <br />when a crucial element in the System that does <br />conference within 3 <br />7 Standard <br />Seller's Product <br />of prohibit continuance of basic operations is <br />Standard Business <br />Business Days <br />Management. <br />of functioning and there is usually no suitable <br />Hours of initial <br />of initial <br />work-around. Note that this may not be <br />voice notification <br />notification <br />applicable to intermittent problems. <br />be provided <br />3 <br />on- Critical Failure - Non - Critical part or <br />Telephone <br />Resolve within <br />with a fee <br />component failure occurs when a System <br />conference within 6 <br />180 days in a <br />component is not functioning, but the System <br />[Standard Business <br />Seller- <br />ISD M &SA, Exhibit B Page D - 11 May 2. 2005 <br />is still useable for its intended purpose, or there <br />ours of initial <br />etermined <br />is a reasonable workaround. <br />otifcation <br />Etch or <br />4 <br />Rnconvenience - An inconvenience occurs <br />elephone <br />t Seller's <br />hen System causes a minor disruption in the <br />onference within 2 <br />iscretion, may <br />Seller's Product <br />ay tasks are performed but does not stop <br />Standard Business <br />a in a future <br />Management. <br />orkflow. <br />ays of initial <br />elease. <br />5 <br />Customer request for an enhancement to <br />Determined by <br />f accepted by <br />System functionality is the responsibility of <br />Seller's Product <br />Seller's Product <br />Seller's Product Management. <br />Management. <br />Management, a <br />release date will <br />be provided <br />with a fee <br />chedule, when <br />ISD M &SA, Exhibit B Page D - 11 May 2. 2005 <br />Motorola Contract No. 05.17505 <br />