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of Santa Ana Exhibit C -3 Statement of Work <br />1.18.13 Build the Personal Geodatabase <br />Motorola will build the personal geodatabase using the Customer's GIS data. The <br />personal geodatabase provides the GIS data in a single database. After Motorola <br />builds the personal geodatabase containing the updated GIS data, the database is sent <br />to the Customer. <br /> Motorola Responsibilities <br />a. Build the personal geodatabase. <br />b. Send the personal geodatabase to the Customer. <br /> Completion Criteria <br />This task is considered complete when the Customer receives the updated GIS data in <br />the personal geodatabase format. <br />1.18.14 Apply GIS Data to CAD <br />After the final GIS data changes are accomplished by Motorola, Motorola uploads and <br />applies the updated GIS data to the Customer's CAD system. <br />1.18.14,1 Motorola Responsibilities <br />a. Run required MGU processes to build the CAD geofile from the GIS data and <br />upload the geofile to the Customer's CAD system. <br />b. Coordinate applying data to the Customer's CAD system with the Customer. <br />c. Check CAD spooler reports, detailing the data status. <br /> Customer Responsibilities <br />a. Coordinate applying the data to the Customer's CAD system with appropriate <br />personnel. <br /> Completion Criteria <br />This task is considered complete when the data has been applied to the Customer's <br />CAD system. <br />Exhibit C -3, Statement of Work Page C3 - 28 0512105 <br />CN:05 -17505 <br />This document contains Motorola and Motorola confidential, proprietary, and trade secret information and may not be shared with any <br />person or agency not directly associated with the City of Santa Ma without the express written consent of Motorola. Inc., or its <br />designees. <br />