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Proclamation declaring June 23-29, <br />1985, as "Chamber of Cc~merce Week," <br />presented by Councilm~nber McGuigan <br />to Mike Metzler, President, Greater <br />Santa Ana Chamber of Coa~nerce, and <br />Jerry wolf, Chairman of the Board, <br />Greater Santa Ana Chamber of <br />Cc,¥,¥~erce. <br /> <br />Proclamation honoring the retirement <br />of Burrell wilson, Fire Engineer, <br />who served with the Santa Ana <br />Fire Depar~nent for 26 years, was <br />read by Councilm~mber Lux~nbourger. <br /> <br />SPECIAL PRESENTATION <br /> <br />Lawrence M. Shaffer, Executive <br />Director/Finance and Management <br />Services Department was <br />congratulated by Vice Mayor Johnson <br />on his attair~ent of a "Certificate <br />of Conformance in Financial <br />Reporting" awarded by the Goverr~nent <br />Finance Officers Association of the <br />U.S. and Canada. <br /> <br />75. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> <br />NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND AMENDMENT APPLICATION NO. 918 - <br />2300 N. BROADWAY <br /> <br />Filed by David H. Wilson to rezone property located at <br />2300 N. Broadway from the R1 District to the P District <br />in order to convert a single-family residence to a professional <br />office. <br /> <br />Recc~tnended for denial by the Planning Co~nission on April 22, <br />1985, by the following vote: <br /> <br />AYES: <br />NOES: <br />ABSENT: <br /> <br />LaFlar~ne, Casteix, Spevacek, Godinez, Uno <br />None <br />Miller <br /> <br />(Continued by Council vote on June 3, 1985, with Young absent.) <br /> <br />The Clerk of the Council reported a request for continuation of <br />this itam to July 1, 1985, had been received from the applicant. <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br /> <br />247 JUNE 17, 1985 <br /> <br /> <br />