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<br />Minor Exception No. 2005-06 <br />August 22, 2005 <br />Page 3 <br /> <br />The applicant states that approval of this request will enable her to <br />utilize the front yard area for additional private and personal open <br />space. It has been determined that the need to enclose the front yard <br />area for additional private open space is not vital when considering that <br />the lot size is approximately 15,000 square feet and two and one-half <br />times the size of a typical lot size in Santa Ana. The existing private <br />open space located in the rear yard would allow for substantial private <br />open space and not necessitate the need to enclose the front yard. <br /> <br />Based on the above analysis, it has been determined that no special <br />circumstances exist to warrant relief from the code for an increase in <br />fence height and for a solid six-foot tall front yard fence. In an <br />attempt to reduce the construction of new fences that are intrusive and <br />detract from the exiting character and pattern of development of the <br />neighborhood, it is recommended that the strict application of the code be <br />applied in this instance (Exhibit 5). Therefore, it is recommended that <br />the Planning Commission deny Minor Exception No. 2005-06. <br /> <br />CEQA Compliance <br /> <br />In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the proposed <br />proj ect is exempt from further review as section 15303 (e) exempts the <br />construction of front yard fences. Categorical Exemption Environmental <br />Review No. 05-134 will be filed for this project. <br /> <br />~Y\~ <br /> <br />Pedro Guillen <br />Assistant Planner I <br /> <br />PG:JM <br /> <br />pg\reports\me05-06.pc <br /> <br />318-4 <br />