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<br />I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY <br /> <br />The City of Santa Ana is the recipient of federal Community Development Block Grant <br />(CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME), Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG), <br />and Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) funds.1 The U.S. <br />Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provides these funds to the City <br />on a formula basis. As a recipient of these funds, the City is required to prepare a five- <br />year strategic plan that identifies housing and community needs of the City, prioritizes <br />these needs, identifies resources to address needs, and establishes annual goals and <br />objectives to meet needs. This five-year strategic plan is known as the Consolidated <br />Plan. In addition to updating the Consolidated Plan on an annual basis, via an annual <br />action plan, the City of Santa Ana is required to provide the public and HUD with an <br />assessment of its accomplishments utilizing these funds at the end of each fiscal year. <br />This annual assessment is known as the Consolidated Annual Performance and <br />Evaluation Report (CAPER). <br /> <br />This CAPER has been prepared to meet HUD's requirements for annual performance <br />evaluation. This document provides a review and evaluation of the City's performance <br />over the 2004-2005 Fiscal Year (or report period), and the five-year timeframe of the <br />2000-2004 Consolidated Plan. The 2004-2005 report period began July 1, 2004 and <br />ended June 30, 2005. This report summarizes the City's accomplishments for the <br />CDBG, HOME, ESG and HOPWA programs and includes a summary of the progress <br />the City has made to meet five-year goals listed in the 2000-2004 Consolidated Plan. <br />The CAPER also incorporates a summary of public comments received by the City <br />during a 15-day comment period held from August 17 through September 6, 2005. <br />Also included in this document are reports generated by HUD's Integrated <br />Disbursement and Information System (IDIS). These HUD reports provide information <br />that has been entered into the national database and summarizes the City's <br />accomplishments for the 2004-2005 report period. <br /> <br />During the 2004-2005 report period, the City continued efforts to address the priority <br />housing and community needs identified in the 2000-2004 Consolidated Plan. For <br />example, the City's supply of affordable housing was expanded and/or upgraded during <br />the report period. Funding from various federal, state and local sources were used to <br />rehabilitate 95 owner-occupied housing units.2 During the report period, public funding <br />was also provided to assist with the rehabilitation of 119 rental-housing units; a <br />Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) rehabilitated a substantial <br />portion of these units.3 Additionally, Habitat For Humanity completed one project that <br />provided one very low-income household with an opportunity for homeownership. <br />Unfortunately, only one first time homebuyer was assisted with Mortgage Credit <br />Certificate (MCC) resources (a financing tool to make homeownership more affordable <br /> <br />1 As Orange County's most populous city, Santa Ana is the recipient of HOPW A funds on behalf of the <br />entire Orange County region. <br />2 Seventeen units rehabbed with CDBG, 11 units rehabbed with HOME, 55 units rehabbed with <br />Redevelopment funds, and 12 with CalHome resources. <br />3 Orange Housing Corporation acquired and rehabilitated a motel into 89 affordable senior housing units. <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br />9/7/05 <br /> <br />190-8 <br />