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<br />Oqt 27 05 03:13p <br />08/28/2005 13:38 FAX <br /> <br />Cit~ of Santa Ana PWA <br /> <br />COMMERCIAL GENERAL UABILITY <br /> <br />b.) Immecllalely forward .. legal papers to us. <br />coopen1t8 In the lnYllsllgllllon or 8eIllement of <br />the cIsIm or defense 'galnll Ihe 'lIIllt." and <br />oIherwlse GOmPIY with pOky concIlllons. <br /> <br />c.) Tender the defense alld Indemnity ct any <br />claim or "'lit" 10 8IlY oUIar inBurer whIch also <br />ltllUl'll8 agslnsl a loss we cover under lhb <br />endorsement. ThIa lncIudee, bulla not Ilmlled <br />to. any Inlurer wl1Jch has Issued II polley of <br />lnBurance in which the addIIIDlllll insured <br />quolilln us an intured. For purpoH' of this <br /> <br />Cily ofSIIlIA Ana <br /> <br />20 Civic CclIler Plaza- Roll$ ADuax <br />SIJ1la ~. CA P2701 <br /> <br />714-847-5089 <br /> <br />p.5 <br />Ii!J 005/005 <br /> <br />requiAlm\lnl. the Illrm 'n&1J1l8 agallllll" /lifers <br />10 llny self-insurance and 10 eny Insurer which <br />i_d a policy of InSllfllnce that may provide <br />COV8lagO for the 1088, regardless of whether <br />tht addlllonallnaul'lld hIlS Ilc;tullly requnted <br />that the InlUraf provlde thl addiltClnal lneuted <br />with e defens" and/Ot Indemnity under that <br />policy of Insurence. <br /> <br />d.) Agree 10 make milable any otrn.r msur.nca <br />that Ihe IcIcIItIonal InBured hu for a lO$$ we <br />cover under ihls endorsement. <br /> <br />REVlSIlS CIlllTIFlCATE ISSUED II5I2l1OS. Job 2422; SAPS. The ell)' ofS.... An>. in; om..... _IllY.... 1,1<1I11, vobonlccn ..,d <br />I!pCOIOl\to.~v.. .... &dded II oddIIlmaIllas1ll1d& per fi>nn OG 02 46 10 01....checl <br /> <br />oUlOmONAL INSt}Rl;D: Tho Cloy of Sura ADa. hi 01'1'...... ompIoy....I,I<1Il>, vollm"'", ..4 Ttpr.......,Wes <br /> <br />^ffROVED AS TO FORM. <br /> <br />__~ v/5 <br /> <br />. Laura StiLt Sheedy <br />A.s~L:Hant City Attorn~Y <br /> <br />Page 2 of 2 <br /> <br />Copyright, The Travalt)flllndemnlty Company, 2000! <br /> <br />C/3 D2 481002 <br />